I'm an Android developer. I would like to contribute to open source projects in Android and would like to learn by reading others' code
Pinned Repositories
This library is a custom Number Picker. provides a compound view for picking the number of items selected. It has increment and decrement options. Minimum and maximum limits for the selected value can also be set in the xml file using the custom attributes app:minlimit and app:maxlimit. You can now set the value of the number picker or retrieve its value using the methods setValue and getValue. e.g.: counterView.setValue(5); or int count = counterView.getValue();
I have been trying out implementations of Data Structures and standard algorithms. This repo contains those implementations in Java
This App solves a Coding Challenge explained here: I used MVP architecture, ButterKnife and Retrofit libraries to build the app.
This is a Native Android Application written in Kotlin and Java . This app is built around Harry Potter API which can be found here: In the project I will be using the combination of Clean architecture and MVVM. The libraries used are Dagger2, Rxjava2 and Retrofit.
Android - Select Multiple Items from Spinner with Filtration.
The app fetches News and weather updates from APIs and displays the info to the users. It's written in kotlin and is built using Room Database, Dagger Hilt, MVVM architecture, LiveData, Retrofit and Coil Image Loading library.
This is a quiz app in which user can select the desired category and number of questions. I have used MVVM architecture, Retrofit, Butterknife libraries in the project
The app showcases recipes of various food categories. The APIs used are taken from here: The app makes use of Retrofit, Room persistence, Kotlin coroutines, Coil image loading library, Dagger-Hilt, Navigation component, MVVM architecture, Data binding and Moshi for JSON parsing..
This app displays weather forecast for 7 days from today. Uses free version of APIXU API. Clean Architecture is used in the app. The app is designed following the material design guidelines.
This app loads wikipedia results based on your search and opens corresponding webpages. It caches the pages that are clicked and suggests them while searching
NeerajaGandla's Repositories
This library is a custom Number Picker. provides a compound view for picking the number of items selected. It has increment and decrement options. Minimum and maximum limits for the selected value can also be set in the xml file using the custom attributes app:minlimit and app:maxlimit. You can now set the value of the number picker or retrieve its value using the methods setValue and getValue. e.g.: counterView.setValue(5); or int count = counterView.getValue();
I have been trying out implementations of Data Structures and standard algorithms. This repo contains those implementations in Java
This App solves a Coding Challenge explained here: I used MVP architecture, ButterKnife and Retrofit libraries to build the app.
This is a Native Android Application written in Kotlin and Java . This app is built around Harry Potter API which can be found here: In the project I will be using the combination of Clean architecture and MVVM. The libraries used are Dagger2, Rxjava2 and Retrofit.
Android - Select Multiple Items from Spinner with Filtration.
This is a quiz app in which user can select the desired category and number of questions. I have used MVVM architecture, Retrofit, Butterknife libraries in the project
This App showcases a demo of bank transactions
This app displays weather forecast for 7 days from today. Uses free version of APIXU API. Clean Architecture is used in the app. The app is designed following the material design guidelines.
This app loads wikipedia results based on your search and opens corresponding webpages. It caches the pages that are clicked and suggests them while searching
The app fetches News and weather updates from APIs and displays the info to the users. It's written in kotlin and is built using Room Database, Dagger Hilt, MVVM architecture, LiveData, Retrofit and Coil Image Loading library.
The app showcases recipes of various food categories. The APIs used are taken from here: The app makes use of Retrofit, Room persistence, Kotlin coroutines, Coil image loading library, Dagger-Hilt, Navigation component, MVVM architecture, Data binding and Moshi for JSON parsing..
As a "Breaking Bad" fan I wanted all the info of it.. But I didn't found any ..So I created one...
I'm maintaining this repo to commit the DSA problems I practice in my IDE.
Sample Android application referred to by Azure Pipelines documentation
Sample Java application referred to by Azure Pipelines documentation
First web application