Share your creative raw ideas 🤯💡🎨 for a better World.
So please share the simplest ideas you have, and make this community the biggest community for the most creative ideas.
Edit the Ideas.js file to your idea and add the following details in this format as mentioned in the Example.
const ideas = [
Name: "Meditation-Minute", //if applicable
Type: "Mobile",
"This App will ring (a gong) on a specific time interval like 1 minute or 3 minutes, or any other time interval till the time the meditator has to try to focus his/her mind on the meditation object (like breath or any other meditation object) elapses."//As detailed as possible
Industry: "Wellness",
Video: "", //if applicable
Link:"", //if applicable
MatrixBreaker: "true", //Here Matrix breaker means if the app will help the user to came out negative Habit patterns Like- addiction, Hatered,lust ,cling to materialism and Take him/her to better control of mind ,Innerpeace ,More awareness ,Minimilism, Warriorness ,Self realisation ,Patience and love etc.
Name: "Ice-Box",
Type: "Mobile",
Description:"This app will constantly track your pulse rating and if your stressed it the app will suggest you different ideas to calm yourself down or suggest you some activites to do and control your stress.",//As detailed as possible
Industry: "Wellness",
Video: "",
MatrixBreaker: "true",
Avoid pasting ideas which are already exsisting in market( like Tic-tac-toe or Fooddelivery app etc), If you have added something on top of that then you can definetly add them.
Created with 🤍 by Kapil Kumar
Follow Kapil Kumar for more creative things.
Thanks to all creative people -