
This RPM provides nDPI kernel and iptables modules for CentOS 7.


This procedure has been tested with kernel-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 from CentOS 7.3.

  1. Install the kernel module:

    yum install xt_ndpi-kmod
  2. Load the kernel module:

    modrpobe xt_ndpi
  3. Check the module is correctly loaded:

    cat /proc/net/xt_ndpi/proto | head -n5

    The output should be like this:

    #id     mark ~mask     name   # count #version 1.7.0
    00         0/000000ff unknown          # 0
    01         1/000000ff ftp_control      # 0
    02         2/000000ff mail_pop         # 0
    03         3/000000ff mail_smtp        # 0
  4. Create a sample rule which blocks facebook:

    iptables -I OUTPUT -m ndpi --facebook -j DROP

To unload the module, use:

conntrack -F && rmmod xt_ndpi

Building RPM

To build the RPM use mock with the EPEL 7 configuration file.

Compiling from source

Compile the kernel and iptable modules inside a CentOS 7:

yum -y install kernel-devel gcc iptables-devel libpcap-devel autoconf automake libtool
wget https://github.com/vel21ripn/nDPI/archive/netfilter.tar.gz
tar xvzf netfilter.tar.gz
cd nDPI-netfilter/
cd ndpi-netfilter
sed -e '/^MODULES_DIR/d' -e '/^KERNEL_DIR/d' -i src/Makefile
MODULES_DIR=/lib/modules/3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 KERNEL_DIR=$MODULES_DIR/build/ NDPI_PATH=$PWD/nDPI-1.7.20151023 make
MODULES_DIR=/lib/modules/3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 KERNEL_DIR=$MODULES_DIR/build/ make install
MODULES_DIR=/lib/modules/3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 KERNEL_DIR=$MODULES_DIR/build/ make modules_install
