
UE4.25.4: Exodusimport "...module missing or built with a different engine version"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  1. Created a new C++ project in UE4.25.4 (on MacOS 10.15)

  2. Installed Exodusimport as a new Plugin.

  3. Restarted the project

  4. Received message: Missing {Project_name} Modules -- ...module missing or built with a different engine version.

  5. Responded "Yes" to "Would you to rebuild {Project_name} now?".

  6. Compile ran for a few seconds and produced

    • ActionThread.ActionDebugOutput: 7 warnings and 12 errors generated.
    • among the errors
      • ActionThread.ActionDebugOutput: /Users/gene/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject5/Plugins/JsonImport/ExodusImport/Source/ExodusImport/Private/UnrealUtilities.h:136:24: error: use of undeclared identifier 'sanitizeObjectName'; did you mean 'ObjectTools::SanitizeObjectName'?
      • ...
      • ActionThread.ActionDebugOutput: /Users/gene/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject5/Plugins/JsonImport/ExodusImport/Source/ExodusImport/Private/UnrealUtilities.h:128:10: error: call to function 'createAssetObject' that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup
  7. Received message: "Error. {Project_name} could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually."

Please tell me if I should try an earlier version of UE4.
Note: I previously tried UE4.23.1 but I ran into other problem trying to create a new C++ project

Symptoms very similar to issue #21 (The following modules are missing or built with a different engine)
Except different compile errors appear in Log.txt
The log shows errors in the following source files in ExodusImport/Source/ExodusImport/Private:

  • UnrealUtilities.h
  • getters.h
  • UnrealUtilities.h
  • ImportedObject.cpp
  • JsonObjects/DataPlane2D.h

Good news. I was able to work around this problem by installing UE4.23.4 on Windows10 on Parallels on MacOS 10.15.
ExodusImport works perfectly on the SampleScene while running on UE4.23.4 on Windows10.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ExodusImport is still BROKEN in UE4.25.4 on MacOS 10.15.
I am CLOSING this issue (#47) and leaving the origin issue (#21) OPEN.

@genemiller , I do not have access to a Mac OS computer, but there was an update a short while ago, could you recheck if it changes the situation on your end? And if it does not and fails to compile, please upload new log with compile errors. If the errors are different, that is.