
Managing Task project by Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Crowdsourcing software development or software crowdsourcing is an emerging area of software engineering. It is an open call for participation in any task of software development, including documentation, design, coding and testing. These tasks are normally conducted by either members of a software enterprise or people contracted by the enterprise. But in software crowdsourcing, all the tasks can be assigned to or are addressed by members of the general public. Individuals and teams may also participate in crowdsourcing contests.

the project's demo is visible through the following link: https://crowdsourcing-web-negar.fandogh.cloud

Setup project locally

Python Version Django Version

First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/Negar-R/Crowdsourcing.git
cd Crowdsourcing

Now, you should set environment variables in .env file. to do this :

touch .env

And make a value for these keys in .env file:

  • SECRET_KEY: these your django project secret key
  • EMAIL_HOST_USER: this is your email address that used to send email to users
  • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: your email password
  • BACKUP_DIR: directory of saving databse-backup files on the host
  • MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: MinIO access key
  • MINIO_SECRET: MinIO secret key

Run through Docker Compose

This project is multi-container Docker application that usese different services such as postgres, redis, memcached, etc. So, it dockerized using docker compose to run easily:

docker-compose up

Run without Docker

To activate virtual environments and install dependencies in, run the below commands:

virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirments.txt

To create project's tables in database do:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

At last, to run the project:

python manage.py runserver

The project will be available at

Run unit tests

To run unit test that blongs to accounts_app, use this command:

python manage.py test accounts

And to run tests in tasks_app, enter:

python manage.py test tasks

URL's introduction

URL Description Some actions on this site require to be enrolled first. Then we send you a verification email and you should verify it. So please enter a valid email ! When you want to sign in to your account, give us your email. After that, we send you a code and by clicking on it, you can be logged in. You can see all tasks here. They are sorted by last modified time. To see this page, it is not necessary to login. Any user that is an agent can see all tasks that are reported by the individual. See the tasks that should be done by you, here. Agents can create new tasks, from here.