
Dockerfile from git

Primary LanguagePython


Dockerfile from git

It's create docker image form git like docker build git by cron

You need in git in host machine with docker!

And pushed new image to registry (build with build-args)

docker run -it \
--name dfg \
--restart=always \
-d -p 8080:8080 
-e DFG_URL_CLONE='https://oauth2:GITLAB_TOKEN@gitlab.com/my/project.git#master:docker/nginx' \ For docker build from git
-e DFG_PATH_DOCKERFILE='Dockerfile' \ # Dockerfile in directory docker/nginx
-e DFG_IMAGE_TAG='registry.com/my/project:master' \
-e DFG_AUTH_BASE64='dXNlcjpwYXNz' \ # If you need auth for registry convert user:pass -> dXNlcjpwYXNz by base64 encode 
-e DFG_BUILD_ON_START \ If you need to start in first boot
-e DFG_CRON='0 * * * *' \ Default crontab