
Custom vCloud Director driver for docker-machine.

Mandatory parameters:

  1. vcd-username
  2. vcd-password
  3. vcd-vdc vcd tenant
  4. vcd-vdcedgegateway vcd tenant for edge gateway
  5. vcd-org vcd tenant organization
  6. vcd-orgvdcnetwork vdc network to find gateway
  7. vcd-edgegateway edge gateway name for publicIP
  8. vcd-publicip public ip to attach gateway
  9. vcd-catalog
  10. vcd-catalogitem
  11. vcd-storprofile
  12. vcd-href vcd api endpoint (don't forget to includ /api without trailing slash!) ex.:
  13. vcd-insecure bool whether to allow insecure connections to vCloud API
  14. vcd-cpu-count
  15. vcd-memory-size
  16. vcd-disk-size
  17. vcd-ssh-port
  18. vcd-docker-port
  19. vcd-ssh-user
  20. vcd-user-data bash script