BMI Calculator

Project with JavaScript, challenge week 2

Introduction to the project

  • Create a web application that calculates your BMI(body mass index) using both the metric and imperial method once you input your weight and height. The application has been created with a test driven development philosophy using Jasmine.

Gems used

  • rack
  • sinatra

How to use the BMI test

  1. Run rackup in your terminal, this will start the server.
  2. In your browser copy this URL http://localhost:9292/SpecRunner.html, this will open Jasmine's SpecRunner showing 12 green specs. It means that the application is running properly.
  3. In your browser copy this URL http://localhost:9292/index.html, this will open the site and you can test its features.
  4. Alternately you can copy this URL in your browser, this will run the web application from GitHub pages.
