
Week 8-9-10 project for Craft Academy October 2017 Cohort.
For this project we switched teams and worked on legacy code and new implementations on the app of another team.
In the final days we started building a mobile client for the app with Ionic and Angular
you can check it here


This app will automatically show restaurants nearby your position.
When you visit the site( your location is tracked down and positioned at the center of the map.
Due to demonstration purposes there are two locations with restaurants available, Gothenburg and Stockholm.
If you want to test this app from another location you can download a Chrome extension to change your geolocation(e.g.
If you are or choose to be in Gothenburg three restaurants will show up nearby your location with categories(in this case italian and thai) and restaurants' names. When you click on the restaurant Bov you'll be able to see the structure of a restaurant's template page with menus, submenus, dishes' name, description and price and a the Add to Order button.
If you are or choose to be in Stockholm the same features are available for Brasserie Balzac.
When you add dishes to your order, an Order link will appear in the navbar.
You'll be able to see the total summary and perform a simulated transaction with Stripe.
User authentication is available too via Sign up, if you are a first time visitor,
or via Log in if you're an already registered user.


During the first week and a half of the project the team had two different members replaced by me and Sophie, they were:


  • Ruby on Rails
  • geocoder
  • rails-assets-gmaps
  • Bootstrap
  • Sass
  • jquery-rails
  • acts_as_shopping_cart
  • stripe-rails
  • state_machine
  • Devise
  • devise_token_auth
  • Coffee rails
  • dotenv-rails
  • haml
  • active_model_serializers
  • rack-cors


Download the ZIP file from this repo Unzip the file and then open it up via your terminal Run bundle install, after run rails db:create db:migrate Run rails s and go to http://localhost:3000/


  • Cucumber
  • RSpec
  • Pry
  • Factory Bot
  • Faker
  • Launchy
  • Selenium
  • Shoulda Matchers
  • email_spec
  • coveralls
  • webmock
  • stripe-ruby-mock
  • state_machines-rspec

Acceptance test

Acceptance test are written in Cucumber using Capybara and Selenium with Chrome Driver in headless state.

Features are stored in ./features

To run the acceptance test suite, execute Cucumber in you terminal:

$ cucumber

Unit tests

Unit test are written in rspec

$ rspec

Active Models

Active Record Models are tested using RSpec (model specs)

We are using Shoulda matchers to test the expected database tables, validations and permissions. We are also allowing, via validations, the objects created by FactoryBot to be tested