Task2 - Memory Game Description :
- Create an even number grid dynamically using a given dropdown, where user can choose a number to create the grid i.e 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 --- Done
- Each Grid will have a hidden number and each number in grids will repeat two time always but on random location --- Done
- As user clicks on box the number shows up and after clicking on another grid the first will hide --- Done
- But if both box has same number then both will remain open permanently and hence one stage achieved --- Done
- As soon as all stages achieved the user will become winner --- Done
- You will have to count and print the total number of hit on the completion of game --- Done
- Also, you need to use local storage to maintain current stage of game so that user can close window and start from same stage on next time --- Pending
- There should be a reload button to refresh the game completely --- Done
Game Screens: It contain three Screens:
- Splash Screen: Show link to start tha game
- Playground: Screen which show game board.
- EndGame: Show message that use is winner and a link to play again.Clicking on this link will land you on splash screen.
Code Files are: Folder which contain entire Memory Game code is : task2 ---> src ---> gameCode. It Contain following subfolders:
- Navigator: Contan code for navigation of app.
- Containers: Contain code for three screen of app each screen code in separate folder "SplashScreen", "Playground", "EndGame"
- Components: Contain code for Header and Card of Grid.
- Config: Contain Constants i.e., GridArray of size 4, 8, 12
- Assets: Contain image file of app - logo.png and you-won.png
- utils: Contain ArrayUtility which in turn contain code for shuffle grid cards.
MemoryGame.pdf file: It contain screenshot of game, how to run the app and a little bit description of project.
Run the App: To run app perform following steps from app folder
- open CMD
- cd task2
- npm start