
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Submission Instructions [Please note]

Maximum Marks -

  • The Submission should not contain spaces, for example,/js-101 folder/eval will not work
  • Do not push node_modules and package_lock.json to GitHub
 ✅  able to submit the app - 1 mark (default score )
 ✅ Should make GET request to the mock server and display UI with initial data - 2 marks
 ✅ Should make POST request to the mock server on submitting the student details and update UI - 2 marks
 ✅ Should Update the score  on mock server (PATCH) on clicking th update score button - 2 marks
 ✅ Should make DELETE request on clicking remove student button and update UI - 2 marks
 ✅ should sort the students details by score in ascending and descending order (GET request and pass query  params) -  2 marks
 ✅ should filter the score <= 5 marks - 2marks
 ✅ should filter the score > 5 marks - 2 marks


  • you can use any node version that works for you ( 14+ )
  • please make sure you do not push package-lock.json
  • Download and unzip the boilerplate
  • Navigate to the correct path

Folder structure

  • index.html
  • src
    • scripts
      • index.js
  • styles
    • index.css
  • README.md
  • package.json
  • cypress (ignore the files under cypress)

You haven't taught cypress to run the test cases locally, you can see the passed/ failed test cases and test errors on CP itself.


  • Create an admin dashboard for masai, where user will be adding student data to the database, and can perform basic crud operations.

*All the operations will be performed using json-server. *You can refer this Documentation: https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-server https://github.com/typicode/json-server

  • how to pass query params for sorting

  • how to pass query params for filter

  • Create an index.html page where user will be able to add the student data and can see and update in real time.

  • Refer this image for more clarity:-

  • Provide a remove and update score button on every student card.

  • Remove will remove the student from dom and your json server database as well.

  • Update will enable the update input box which will update the score of any student.

  • For updating score:-

- Provide an input box which will be disabled by default
- Once the user click on `update score` button of any user
- The input box will be enabled and the current marks will be present
- Once the user updates the mark and hit `Enter`, the marks should be upadted
- Finally the input box will again be disabled
  • Provide two buttons for sorting both from high to low and vice versa (based on score).
  • Also provide two buttons 'score > 5" and 'score <= 5" for filtering accordingly.


  • Always store score as a number not string. Otherwise you may face difficulty while sorting and filtering.
  • Sorting and filtering will be done using Json-Server only.
  • Display score value only, no extra text should be there.


  • You should use JSON server
  • Use your deployed mock-server link only.
  • By default when the user loads the page, the user should be shown all students initial data

Things to follow :-

 1. Student form input boxes will have IDs as "name", "batch", "section", "eval_score" & "image" respectively.
 2. Add Student button ID :- "add_student".
    - `id` does't require any field json-server by default will create id for each entry
 3. Sort Low to High button ID :- "sort-low-to-high"
 4. Sort High to Low button ID :- "sort-high-to-low"
 5. Score > 5 button ID :-  "greater-than"
 6. Score < = 5 button ID :- "less-than"
 7. All the students will be appended inside div with ID :- "container".
 8. Every student card will have class :- "student",
 9. The score in every card will have class :- "student_score" ,
 NOTE:- Show only score value in number, no extra text should be there.
 11. The remove button will have class :- "remove_student",
 12. The update button will have class :- "update_score"
 13. The update input box will have ID :- "new_score"
  • you can add styling under the styles folder

Note:- Do not use any other names for the Ids, Classes other than those mentioned.

General guidelines

  • The system on cp.masaischool.com may take between 1-20 minutes for responding,
  • so we request you to read the problem carefully and debug it before itself
  • we also request you not submit it last minute
  • try to keep one submission at a time

