
Linear regression from scratch and a best fit line problem.

Primary LanguagePython


refer to Linear_reg_scratch.py

Files bestfitline.py, Figure-1.png, output.txt are to find optimum equation for best fit line for a few given points.


I've generated some dummy data values to test our procedure but with a few small modifications it will work on any dataset.

The procedure is extremely simple:

  1. Find the mean values of x (independent variable) and y (dependent variable)
  2. Using these values find the standard deviation and variance
  3. Find covariance of x and y
  4. Then find the correlation between these (this tells us whether x and y are strongly/weakly related)
  5. Now we calculate the coefficients in the line equation
  6. Predict new values of y (I've done it for the same dataset)
  7. Check the error between new y and old y values (using root mean squared error measure)

Mean Calculations

mean(x) = sum(x)/count(x)

Standard Deviation

std_dev(x) = sqrt{ [(x - mean(x))^2] / (count(x) - 1) }


Covariance = sum( [x-x_mean] * [y-y_mean] ) / (count(x) - 1)


Using the Pearson correlation formula.

r = covariance / [std_dev(x) * std_dev(y)]

Regression Line Equation

y = b0 + b1(x) b1 = covariance/std_dev(x) b0 = mean(y) - b1*mean(x)

Root mean square calculation

Error = sqrt{ sum( [predicted_y - actual_y)^2] ) } / count(y)