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DEEP*HLA is an HLA allelic imputation method based on a multi-task convolutional neural network implemented in Python.

DEEP*HLA receives pre-phased SNV data and outputs genotype dosages of binary HLA alleles.

In DEEP*HLA, HLA imputation is performed in two processes:

​ (1) model training with an HLA reference panel

​ (2) imputation with a trained model.


The study of DEEP*HLA is described in the manuscript.

  • Naito, T. et al. A deep learning method for HLA imputation and trans-ethnic MHC fine-mapping of type 1 diabetes. Nat. Commun. 12, 1639 (2021). doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21975-x

Please cite this paper if you use DEEP*HLA or any material in this repository.


  • Python 3.x (3.7.4)
  • Pytorch (1.4.0)
  • Numpy (1.17.2)
  • Pandas (0.25.1)
  • Scipy (1.3.1)
  • Argparse (1.4.0)

DEEP*HLA was tested on the versions in parentheses, so we do not guarantee that it will work on different versions.


Just clone this repository as folllows.

git clone https://github.com/tatsuhikonaito/DEEP-HLA


0. Original file formats

The original files for model and HLA information are needed to run DEEP*HLA.

  • {MODEL}.model.json

    The description of a model configuration, including grouping of HLA genes, window size of SNV (Kb), and parameters of neural networks. The gene names must be consistent with reference data.

    	"group1": {
    		"HLA": ["HLA_F", "HLA_G", ...],
    		"w": 500,
    		"conv1_num_filter": 128,
    		"conv2_num_filter": 64, 
    		"conv1_kernel_size": 64, 
    		"conv2_kernel_size": 64, 
    		"fc_len": 256
    	"group2": {
    		"HLA": ["HLA_C", "HLA_B", ...],
    		"w": 500,
    		"conv1_num_filter": 128,
    		"conv2_num_filter": 64, 
    		"conv1_kernel_size": 64, 
    		"conv2_kernel_size": 64, 
    		"fc_len": 256
  • {HLA}.hla.json

    The description of information of HLA genes in reference data, including HLA gene names, position, and HLA allele names for each resolution. They must be consistent with reference data.

    	"HLA_F": {
    		"pos": 29698429,
    		"2-digit": ["HLA_F_01", ...],
    		"4-digit": ["HLA_F_01:01", "HLA_F_01:03", ...]
    	"HLA_G": {
    		"pos": 29796823,
    		"2-digit": ["HLA_G_01", ...],
    		"4-digit": ["HLA_G_01:01", "HLA_G_01:03", ...]

    An HLA information file can be made from a REFERENCE.bim file using make_hlainfo.py as follows.

    $ python make_hlainfo.py --ref REFERENCE (.bim)
    Arguments and options
    Option name Descriptions Required Default
    --ref HLA reference data (.bim format). Yes None
    --max-digit Maximum resolution of alleles typed in the HLA reference data ("2-digit", "4-digit", or "6-digit"). No "4-digit"
    --output Output filename for HLA information JSON file No {BASE_DIR}/{REFERENCE}.hla.json
    • {REFERENCE}.hla.json

      Generated HLA information file.

1. Model training

Run train.py on a command-line interface as follows.

Sample files should have only the MHC region extracted for HLA imputation (typically, chr6:29-34 or 24-36 Mb). In addition, the strands must be consistent between the sample and reference data.

HLA reference data are currently only supproted in Beagle-phased format.

$ python train.py --ref REFERENCE (.bgl.phased/.bim) --sample SAMPLE (.bim) --model MODEL (.model.json) --hla HLA (.hla.json) --model-dir MODEL_DIR
Arguments and options
Option name Descriptions Required Default
--ref HLA reference data (.bgl.phased, and .bim format). Yes None
--sample Sample SNP data of the MHC region (.bim format). Yes None
--model Model configuration (.model.json format). Yes None
--hla HLA information of the reference data (.hla.json format). Yes None
--model-dir Directory for saving trained models. No {BASE_DIR}/model
--num-epoch Number of epochs to train. No 100
--patience Patience for early-stopping. If you prefer no early-stopping, specify the same value as --num-epoch. No 16
--val-split Ratio of splitting data for validation. No 0.1
--max-digit Maximum resolution of alleles to impute ("2-digit", "4-digit", or "6-digit"). No "4-digit"
  • {MODEL_DIR}/{group}_{digit}_{hla}.pickle

    Trained models.

  • {MODEL_DIR}/model.bim

    SNP information used in training and subsequent imputation process.

  • {MODEL_DIR}]/best_val.txt

    Accuracies of trained models in validation process.

2. Imputation

After you have finished training a model, run impute.py as follows.

Phased sample data are supported in Beagle-phased format and Oxford haps format (SHAPEIT, Eagle, etc.).

$ python impute.py --sample SAMPLE (.bgl.phased (.haps)/.bim/.fam) --model MODEL (.model.json) --hla HLA (.hla.json) --model-dir MODEL_DIR --out OUT
Arguments and options
Option name Descriptions Required Default
--sample Sample SNP data of the MHC region (.bgl.phased or .haps, .bim, and .fam format). Yes None
--phased-type File format of sample phased file ("bgl" or "haps"). No "bgl"
--model Model configuration (.model.json and .bim format). Yes None
--hla HLA information of the reference data (.hla.json format). Yes None
--model-dir Directory where trained models are saved. No {BASE_DIR}/model
--out Prefix of output files. Yes None
--max-digit Maximum resolution of alleles to impute ("2-digit", "4-digit", or "6-digit"). No "4-digit"
--mc-dropout Whether to calculate uncertainty by Monte Carlo dropout (True or False). No False
  • {OUT}.deephla.phased

    Imputed allele phased (best-guess genotypes) data.

    Rows are markers and columns are individuals.

    First column is marker name; and subsequent columns are genotypes as two columns per individual.

  • {OUT}.deephla.dosage

    Imputed allele dosage data.

    First, second, and third columns are marker name, allele1 ("P"), and allele2 ("A"); and subsequent columns are dosages as one column per individual.

    Rows are markers and columns are individuals, as one column per individual.

  • {OUT}.deephla.entropy (optional)

    Uncertainty based on entropy of sampling variation in Monte Carlo dropout.

    First column is marker name; and subsequent columns are entropys as one column per individual.


Here, we demonstrate a practical usage with an example of Pan-Asian reference panel.

The trained models have already been stored in Pan-Asian/model, so you can skip the model training process.

0. Data preparation

First, dowload Pan-Asian reference panel data and example data at SNP2HLA dowload site.

Perform pre-phasing of the example data with any phasing software (SHAPEIT, Eagle, and Beagle, etc.), and generate a 1958BC.haps (or .bgl.phased) file.

Put them into Pan-Asian directory.

 └ Pan-Asian/
   ├ Pan-Asian_REF.bgl.phased
   ├ Pan-Asian_REF.bim
   ├ Pan-Asian_REF.config.json
   ├ Pan-Asian_REF.info.json
   ├ 1958BC.haps (or .bgl.phased)
   ├ 1958BC.bim
   ├ 1958BC.fam
   └ model/

1. Model training

We have already uploaded a trained model, so you can skip this step.

Otherwise, run train.py as follows. The files in Pan-Asian/model directory will be overwritten.

$ python train.py --ref Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --sample Pan-Asian/1958BC --model Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --hla Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --model-dir Pan-Asian/model

2. Imputation

Run impute.py as follows.

$ python impute.py --sample Pan-Asian/1958BC --phased-type haps --model Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --hla Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --model-dir Pan-Asian/model --out Pan-Asian/1958BC

3. Imputation of amino acid polymorphisms

Run impute_aa.py as follows.

$ python impute_aa.py --dosage Pan-Asian/1958BC --aa-table Pan-Asian/Pan-Asian_REF --out Pan-Asian/1958BC

4. Other HLA referece panels

Please follow the application process to obtain the two reference panels used in our study.

  • Our Japanese HLA data have been deposited at the National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) Human Database (research ID: hum0114).
  • T1DGC HLA reference panel can be download at the NIDDK central repository with a request.

Their related files for imputation (.model.json, .hla.json, and .aa_table.pickle) may be provided upon request.


DEEP*HLA uses MGDA-UB (Multiple Gradient Descent Algorithm - Upper Bound) for multi-task learning, and the source code of its part is implemented with the modification of MultiObjectiveOptimization.


For any question, you can contact Tatsuhiko Naito (tnaito@sg.med.osaka-u.ac.jp)

One of the advantages of DEEP*HLA is that model training can be done in another place, even without sample genotypes. We may consider tailoring a DEEP*HLA model with our own or publicly available reference panels that fits your SNP data. Please consider asking us by email individually if you have interest in it.