
Federated Learning with Multi-head Attention Distillation

Primary LanguagePython


Federated Learning with Multi-head Attention Distillation

suncheol heo ([suncheolheo@yuhs.ac])

Federated distillation with multi communication rounds

python main.py --alpha 1.0 --seed 1 --C 1

Oneshot federated distillation

python main.py --alpha 1.0 --seed 1 --C 1 --oneshot

Oneshot federated distillation with quantization and noise

python main.py --alpha 1.0 --seed 1 --C 1 --oneshot --noisescale 1.0 --quantify 100
python main.py --alpha 0.1 --seed 1 --C 1 --oneshot --noisescale 1.0 --quantify 100
python main.py --alpha 1.0 --seed 1 --C 1 --dataset cifar100 --oneshot --noisescale 1.0 --quantify 100
python main.py --alpha 0.1 --seed 1 --C 1 --dataset cifar100 --oneshot --noisescale 1.0 --quantify 100


tensorboard --logdir=runs