
ROS Wrapper for imu_tk

Primary LanguageC++


This is a ROS wrapper for imu_tk, learn details from original README.md please.


Place this package inside your catkin workspace (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src), then build it through catkin_make.

cd ~/catkin_ws
rospack profile
source devel/setup.bash


Collect IMU Data

Record a bag file with IMU topic (e.g. rosbag record -O imu /imu).


  1. Left the IMU static for 50 seconds.
  2. Rotate the IMU and then lay it in a different attitude.
  3. Wait for at least 1 seconds.
  4. Have you rotated the IMU 36 ~ 50 times? If not, go back to step 2.
  5. Done.


Run imu_calib_node to get calibration result(e.g. misalignment, scale and bias).

imu_calib_node usage:

rosrun imu_tk imu_calib_node [BAG] [IMU_TOPIC]

rosrun imu_tk imu_calib_node imu.bag /imu


Given a raw sensor reading X (e.g., the acceleration ), the calibrated "unbiased" reading X' is obtained.

Misalignment matrix:

    [    1     -mis_yz   mis_zy  ]
T = [  mis_xz     1     -mis_zx  ]
    [ -mis_xy   mis_yx     1     ]

Scale matrix:

    [  s_x      0        0  ]
K = [   0      s_y       0  ]
    [   0       0       s_z ]

Bias vector:

    [ b_x ]
B = [ b_y ]
    [ b_z ]

X' = T*K*(X - B)