generator-team is a Yeoman generator that creates a complete CI/CD pipeline in Team Foundation Server or Visual Studio Team Services for the following languages:
- Java using Tiles and bootstrap
- Node using Pug and bootstrap
- Core using Razor and bootstrap
- Full Framework using Razor and bootstrap
It allows you to deploy to the following platforms:
- Team Foundation Server 2017 or Visual Studio Team Services Account
- Personal Access Token
- Install Docker Integration on tfs Account
- Azure Subscription
- Node.js
- Bower
- Azure PowerShell
- Git
- .NET Core SDK
- .NET Framework 3.5
- Maven
- Java JDK & JRE
- Docker Toolbox
You can read how to use it at
npm test
You can debug the generator using VS Code. You need to update the launch.json. Replace any value in [] with your information. Use npm link from the root folder to load your local version.