A quick helper for getting a Rocky package maintainer build development configuration setup.


From this source directory, run the following commands:

    sudo make install

This installation will automatically install nginx and will configure a local repository to be run and usable at: /usr/share/nginx/html/repo

note: The permissions on this repository are wide open, so please tune if you are on a shared system.

Getting and building a Rocky Linux package

Once these tools are installed, you will be able to do the following:

    rockyget sed
    rockybuild sed

This will create a directory structure at ~/rocky/ and you will be able to find the RPM sources as well as the build directory, logs, and arifiacts there.

Debugging and patching packages

When build errors happen, and you need to create a patch for a package, you can use the following example to get you going:

    # Creates a working directory, will take optional branch
    rockyprep sed
    cd ~/rocky/_work/sed/*

    # A build error exists when running in nspawn container on the builder
    # for this test, so let's "exit 0" near the top...
    vim testsuite/inplace-selinux.sh

    # Create a patch configuration from the working directory and name the
    # patch file. This will create the patch, integrate it into the SPEC
    # file, and "reget" the sed package. If you need to edit or view the
    # Proto3 config and patch, it can be found here: ~/rocky/patch/sed/r8/
    rockypatch inplace-selinux-notest.patch

    # Now you can test your build
    rockybuild sed

Container use

Build a container and tag it. Mock cannot run in an unprivileged container with simple isolation due to userns issues, so any calls to mock must be performed outside the build step.

podman build -t localhost/build-bash --build-arg PACKAGE=bash .

Tag it any way you want, then run it. By default it will run '/entrypoint.sh build' which reads $BRANCH and $PACKAGE from the environment, set by previous build stages.

podman run -v "$PWD/artifacts:/artifacts:z,rw" --privileged localhost/build-bash:latest prep build

Without any other intervention, this will pull sources from git.centos.org and process them using srpmproc to apply patches, if available, from git.rockylinux.org/staging/patch/. If no patch repo exists upstream, one will be created. Alternatively, volume mount a local patch repo (with the latest patches from git.r.o if applicable) to /root/rocky/patch/.git.

Builds artifacts are copied to /artifacts, which you should mount read write and with any selinux flags where necessary. The default example above mounts $PWD/artifacts to /artifacts with selinux (z) and read-write (rw) flags.

The commands rockyget, rockyprep, and rockybuild, as well as srpmproc are available in the PATH, and will read the PACKAGE and BRANCH environment variables by default, unless overriden by different args. Additionally, aliases get, prep, and build are set in /root/.bashrc for ease of use in interactive sessions.