
Cloudundancy is a C++ command line program for quickly creating cloud-redundant and device-redundant backups of files.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Cloudundancy is a cross-platform C++ command line program for quickly copying a configurable list of files and folders to a configurable list of destination folders to achieve cloud-redundant and device-redundant backups of files.

For example, on Windows in a Cloudundancy.ini file, destination folders can be configured to be automatic-cloud-uploading Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive folders C:\GoogleDrive\CloudundancyBackups and C:\OneDrive\CloudundancyBackups. Double USB backups can also be achieved by adding USB drive paths such as E:\CloudundancyBackups and F:\CloudundancyBackups to a Cloudundancy.ini file.

On Linux, a Bash script can be written to run Google Drive command line drive push from ~/googledrive after having run Cloudundancy to copy files to ~/googledrive.

Cloudundancy command line usage

Cloudundancy v1.0.0
Copies configurable file and folder paths to configurable file and folder paths.
For example, on Windows, destination folder paths can be set to C:\GoogleDrive and C:\OneDrive
to achieve cloud-redundant backups by way of automatic cloud uploading.

   cloudundancy example-linux-ini-file
   cloudundancy example-windows-ini-file
   cloudundancy copy-files-to-multiple-folders
      --ini-file=<FilePath> [--delete-destination-folders-first]
   cloudundancy 7zip-files-then-copy-the-7zip-file-to-multiple-folders

Cloudundancy program modes


Program mode example-linux-ini-file prints an example Linux Cloudundancy .ini file which shows how to achieve triple backups of files to one GitHub repo folder and two USB drives:

Example Linux Cloudundancy .ini file


Program mode example-windows-ini-file prints an example Windows Cloudundancy .ini file which shows how to achieve quintuple backups of files to two automatic cloud-uploading folders (C:\GoogleDrive and C:\OneDrive), one GitHub repo folder (C:\GitHubRepos), and two USB drives (D: and E:).

# Cloud-redundant backups to Google's cloud, Microsoft's cloud, and GitHub's cloud

# Device-redundant backups to USB drive D: and USB drive E:

# In the [SourceFilesAndFolders] section, the line format is:
# SourceFileOrFolderPath -> RelativeDestinationFolderPath

# Critical files to backup
C:\CriticalFiles\KeePassFile.kdbx -> .
C:\CriticalFiles\PersonalFinancesSpreadsheet.xlsx -> .
C:\VS2022\Common7\IDE\VC\Snippets\1033\Visual C++\C++Snippets.snippet                              -> Snippets
C:\VS2022\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Python\Core\Snippets\1033\Python\PythonSnippets.snippet -> Snippets
C:\VS2022\VC#\Snippets\1033\Visual C#\CSharpSnippets.snippet                                       -> Snippets

# Critical folders to backup
# Source folder paths ending in a '\' or '/' character are interpretted as folders instead of files
C:\Users\UserName\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\ -> PowerShell

# In the [FileSubpathsToNotCopy] section, case-sensitive file path substrings can be listed one per line
# PowerShell Modules folder to not backup because PowerShell modules can be easily reinstalled


cloudundancy copy-files-to-multiple-folders
   --ini-file=<CloudundancyIniFilePath> [--delete-destination-folders-first]

Program mode copy-files-to-multiple-folders copies files and folders listed in a Cloudundancy.ini file to multiple destination folders.

Most notably, destination folders can be configured to automatic cloud-uploading Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive folders on Windows for achieving cloud-redundant file backups.

Console output on Linux for cloudundancy copy-files-to-multiple-folders --ini-file=/code/dotfiles/LinuxCloudundancy.ini --delete-destination-folders-first:

Linux copy-files-to-multiple-folders part 1

Linux copy-files-to-multiple-folders part 2

As an example on Windows, imagine the following folder structure at C:\CloudundancyTesting:

CloudundancyTesting Windows Explorer folder

With Cloudundancy.ini being as follows to instruct Cloudundancy to backup business-critical files and folders present in C:\CloudundancyTesting, except for file paths containing case-sensitive substrings ignored_filename or .ignored_file_extension:

CloudundancyTesting .ini file

Console output for Cloudundancy.exe copy-files-to-multiple-folders --ini-file=C:\CloudundancyTesting\Cloudundancy.ini --delete-destination-folders-first:

Windows copy-files-to-multiple-folders console out

Resulting contents of C:\CloudundancyTesting\GoogleDrive:

CloudundancyTesting GoogleDrive folder

Resulting contents of C:\CloudundancyTesting\OneDrive:

CloudundancyTesting OneDrive folder

Resulting contents of C:\CloudundancyTesting\GoogleDrive\Cloudundancy.log:

CloudundancyTesting GoogleDrive Cloudundancy.log

Resulting contents of C:\CloudundancyTesting\OneDrive\Cloudundancy.log:

CloudundancyTesting OneDrive Cloudundancy.log


cloudundancy 7zip-files-then-copy-the-7zip-file-to-multiple-folders

Program mode 7zip-files-then-copy-the-7zip-file-to-multiple-folders performs the following steps to backup files to a .7z file and then copy the .7z file to multiple destination folders:

  1. Deletes the 7-Zip staging folder specified with --7zip-staging-folder.
  2. Copies [SourceFilesAndFolders] listed in Cloudundancy.ini file --ini-file-to-copy-files-to-7zip-staging-folder to the 7-Zip staging folder.

Example --ini-file-to-copy-files-to-7zip-staging-folder:


  1. Runs executable 7z on the PATH to 7-Zip the contents of --7zip-staging-folder to a .7z file written to folder <7ZipStagingFolder>\7ZipFile with file name CloudundancyBackup_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS.7z.
  2. Copies the .7z file to [DestinationFolders] listed in Cloudundancy.ini file --ini-file-to-copy-7zip-file-from-staging-folder-to-multiple-folders.

Example --ini-file-to-copy-7zip-file-from-staging-folder-to-multiple-folders:


As an example, consider the following folder structure:

Cloudundancy 7-Zip testing folder

Console output on Windows for the following Cloudundancy 7-zip command line:

Cloudundancy.exe 7zip-files-then-copy-the-7zip-file-to-multiple-folders

7-Zip mode standard output

GitHub repos successfully 7-Zipped and copied to a Google Drive folder:

Google Drive .7z file

Google Drive .7z file contents

GitHub repos successfully 7-Zipped and copied to a OneDrive folder:

One Drive .7z file

One Drive .7z file contents

Cloudundancy code structure as it appears in Visual Studio Code on Linux

Cloudundancy code structure as it appears Visual Studio Code on Linux

Cloudundancy code structure as it appears in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows


Linux Jenkins jobs which build and statically analyze Cloudundancy

Linux Cloudundancy Jenkins jobs

Windows Jenkins jobs which build and statically analyze Cloudundancy

Cloudundancy Windows Jenkins jobs

4 steps to build binary cloudundancy on Linux with Clang

git clone https://github.com/NeilJustice/Cloudundancy
cd Cloudundancy && mkdir Release && cd Release
CXX=clang++ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo cmake --build . --target install

Resulting binary /usr/local/bin/cloudundancy:

Binary cloudundancy on Linux

4 steps to build executable Cloudundancy.exe on Windows with Visual Studio 2022

git clone https://github.com/NeilJustice/Cloudundancy
cd Cloudundancy
cmake . -G"Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\bin
cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Resulting executable C:\bin\Cloudundancy.exe:

Cloudundancy.exe on Windows

Thanks to

brandmark.io for Cloudundancy's logo