
Behat Extension to generate code coverage reports for Behat tests

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Download count Current version

The authors of Behat pedantically, but correctly, point out that .feature files are not strictly speaking tests even though when constructed properly the scenarios described in them should cover both happy and sad paths in an application. Behat is a scenario runner, not a test runner. The scenarios might be run by hand. Or the application under scrutiny might not be a local PHP application, it might be running on a remote server and/or the software might not even written in PHP. Additionally by the very nature of needing to invoke the entire application to perform each scenario, it would be very hard to construct a set of scenarios that cover all possible codepaths in an application. Something like PHPUnit is much better to use here if your goal is comprehensive code coverage as you can unit test each component in isolation.

However, out in the real world we don't normally draw a distinction between the .feature files as a standalone concept and the Contexts that implement them - we simply refer to Behat testing. We also tend to use Behat when the application being tested is written in PHP. And as with any test suite, it's nice to know how much of your application code is covered by a test suite. What you do with that information is up to you :)

behat-code-coverage is a Behat extension that can generate code coverage reports when testing a PHP application using Behat.


Change Log

Please see CHANGELOG.md for information on recent changes.


Install this package as a development dependency in your project:

$ composer require --dev dvdoug/behat-code-coverage

Enable extension by editing behat.yml of your project:

            'src': ~
            target: build/coverage-behat

This will sufficient to enable Code Coverage generation in html format in build/coverage-behat directory. This extension supports various Configuration options. For a fully annotated example configuration file check Configuration section.


If you execute vendor/bin/behat command, you will see code coverage generated in target (i.e. build/coverage-behat) directory (in html format):

$ vendor/bin/behat


You can see fully annotated behat.yml example file below, which can be used as a starting point to further customize the defaults of the extension. The configuration file below has all of the Configuration options.

# behat.yml
# ...
      # filter options
        includeUncoveredFiles: true
        processUncoveredFiles: false
            'src': ~
              suffix: '.php'
#           files:
#             - script1.php
#             - script2.php
#         exclude:
#           directories:
#             'vendor': ~
#             'path/to/dir':
#               'suffix': '.php'
#               'prefix': 'Test'
#           files:
#             - tests/bootstrap.php
      # report configuration. For a report to be generated, include at least 1 configuration option under the relevant key
          target: build/coverage-behat/cobertura.xml
          name: 'Project name'
          target: build/coverage-behat/clover.xml
          name: 'Project name'
          target: build/coverage-behat/crap4j.xml
          target: build/coverage-behat
          lowUpperBound: 50
          highLowerBound: 90
          target: build/coverage-behat/coverage.php
          showColors: true
          showUncoveredFiles: true
          showOnlySummary: false
          lowUpperBound: 50
          highLowerBound: 90
          target: build/coverage-behat
      branchAndPathCoverage: true
      cache: build/behat-code-coverage-cache

Configuration Options

  • filter - various filter options:
    • includeUncoveredFiles - (default: true)
    • processUncoveredFiles - (default: false)
    • include - a list of files or directories to include:
      • directories - key containing directories to include.
        • suffix - suffix for files to be included (default: '.php')
        • prefix - prefix of files to be included (default: '') (optional)
      • files - a list containing files to include.
    • exclude - a list of files or directories to exclude:
      • directories - key containing directories to exclude.
        • suffix - suffix for files to be included (default: '.php')
        • prefix - prefix of files to be included (default: '') (optional)
      • files - key containing files to exclude.
  • reports - report options:
    • cobertura
      • target - Output filename
    • clover
      • name - Project name (optional)
      • target - Output filename
    • crap4j
      • name - Project name (optional)
      • target - Output filename
    • html
      • target - Output directory
      • lowUpperBound - Max % coverage considered low (optional)
      • highLowerBound - Min % coverage considered high (optional)
    • php
      • target - Output filename
    • text
      • showColors - use colors (optional)
      • showUncoveredFiles - include files with 0% coverage in output (optional)
      • showOnlySummary - show only summary output (optional)
      • lowUpperBound - Max % coverage considered low (optional)
      • highLowerBound - Min % coverage considered high (optional)
    • xml
      • target - Output directory
  • branchAndPathCoverage - whether to enable Xdebug's branch and path coverage (default: true under Xdebug)
  • cache - cache directory. Defaults to sys_get_temp_dir() . '/behat-code-coverage-cache'

License + Acknowledgements

Licensed under BSD-2-Clause License.

This extension was created as a fork of leanphp/behat-code-coverage (abandoned) which had previously been created as a fork of vipsoft/code-coverage-extension (abandoned).