###Special Features

  1. Live Tournament Scoring: Located on the Home Page at Live Active Tournaments: click on one of the tournaments in the Tournaments table to see Player scores. It is updated every 8 minutes or by the user.

  2. Multiple Language Support: The Google Translate in the Footer allows you to translate from English to a desired language listed.

  3. Oauth Authetication: Facebook, LinkedIn available under the Sign In page

  4. Payments: Credit Card or Paypal

  5. Administrator Controls - Administrator has access to modify every Model table in the database

  6. Tournaments - Team Functionality and Create team

  7. Can register your own Golf course

  8. QR code for tickets, check-in

  9. Mobile, Tablet support


  • Ruby version: v2.3.x

  • Rails version: v4.2.6?

###Running on Heroku site: (temp can change name later.. but make sure it's available)

To push to the remoke heroku server, you need a heroku account Then install: (heroku cli)

Then in the same repository folder as this one:

To push (to check if changes are heroku compatable (they probably are, hopefully) )

  1. git commit/add etc as per usual
  2. git push heroku master

If this doesn't work message me to add your email or I can just check in once in a while push changes and check if it works, but it might be better if you test your changes too .__.

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...