
This is the official repository of the Tinkering Bootcamp organised by the Tinkerers' Laboratory. All the material and resources will be updated here regularly which you can use for your reference

Primary LanguagePython


This is the official repository of the Tinkering Bootcamp organised by the Tinkerers' Laboratory. All the material and resources will be updated here regularly which you can use for your reference.

For initial setup head over to:



Week1: Introduction to Arduino, Sensors, Modules, Quiz & Challenge 1

Week2: Introduction to NodeMCU and ESP, Voice Assistant

Week3: Zigbee, Swarm networking, Chatbot, Project

Week4: Fundamentals of RaspberryPi and its application

Week5: Project 2 and Talks

Join our Telegram group for discussing your doubts.

Created with ❤️ by Tinkerers' Laboratory