This is the project I spend my spare time on. It's far from being completed.
I enjoy reading books in foreign languages and of course I encounter many unknown words. I look up the meaning for a word, write it down and the upload it on Memrise in order to repeat those words later. This is quite tedious process. So just for fun and I decided to try to write a e-book reader that allows me to add words to my dictionary, highlights unknown words in the book and makes Memrise-friendly lists so I can easily add words there.
The app is written on C++ and Qt/QML. I also use 3rd part library spdlog for logging and debugging.
Just for now next features are implemented.
- addition/deleteion/opening a new book in *.fb2 format;
- generation table of contents;
- links/footnotes support;
- comminucation with Oxford dictionary API;
- adding new word in database.
Some features are easy to implement but its only time that I need.