
bluepy examples using nRF51822 width mbed

Primary LanguagePython

bluepy examples using nRF51822 width mbed

This rspository contain examples on how to use bluepy to comminicate width the nRF51-DK(nRF51822 Development kit) using mbed

The nRF51-DK is programmed using the mbed templates found on https://developer.mbed.org/
The used templates is:

  • BLE_Button Example
    • Uses an BLE/GATT input characteristic: read-only, boolean, with notifications. The characteristic is updated according to a single button's state.
  • BLE_LED Example
    • Uses an BLE/GATT output characteristic:read-write, boolean. The characteristic is used to control of a single LED.


The examples uses the libraries BlueZ and blueyp and was tested width:

  • BlueZ Version: 5.23-2+rpi1
    • Installed version could be displayed by running: dpkg --status bluez | grep '^Version:'
  • bluepy Version: 1.0.4
    • Installed version could be displayed by running: pip show bluepy

bluepy Installation on Raspberry pi3

Bluetooth installation on RPIv3 run:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends Bluetooth
sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth
sudo reboot

Other raspberryes or PC's width a BLE usb dongle running the Debian "Jessie" image might work 😃

Check the curent linux distro.

  • cat /etc/os-release

Install [BlueZ] (http://www.bluez.org) - The Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack

sudo apt-get install bluez

Install [bluepy] (http://ianharvey.github.io/bluepy-doc) - Python interface to Bluetooth LE on Linux

sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev
sudo pip install bluepy

Downloaing the the bluepy example files

File information

blesca.py - Runs a LE device scan. The file originates form the [bluepy doc's] (http://ianharvey.github.io/bluepy-doc/scanner.html#sample-code)
getServices.py - Displays the device's available services
getDeviceCharacteristics.py - Displays the device's characteristics-handles,-UUIDs and properties
getDeviceName.py - Displays [gap Device Name] (https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name.xml)
readButton1.py - Displays the button1 value (UUID 0xa001 - custom service) from the BLE_Button Example
getDesc.py - Displays the device's discriptors
readButton1Notify.py - Same as readButton1.py, but uses Notfication instead of polling the button1 value
writeLed2.py - Turns the LED2 on/off using the [BLE_LED Example] (https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_LED/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) BLE40_bluepy_slides.pdf - "Bluetooth 4.0 bluepy NRF51x" Slides from en-soc3001 course at www.usn.no

Using the bluepy examples

Change the dictory to the one width the example files

  • cd bluepy_examples_nRF51822_mbed


Start by discover your BLE devices by running

  • sudo python blesca.py

Expected output when the nRF51-dk is programmed using the BLE_Button Example

Device f9:ee:30:21:f6:6d (random), RSSI=-31 dB
  Flags = 06
  Complete 16b Services = 00a0
  Complete Local Name = Button


Displays the device's Characteristics-handles,-UUIDs and properties by running :

  • python getServices.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    • Where the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the MAC address that could be found by running the blesca.py * The MAC address for my device is f9:ee:30:21:f6:6d :smiley:

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the BLE_Button Example

Service <uuid=Generic Attribute handleStart=8 handleEnd=11>
Service <uuid=Generic Access handleStart=1 handleEnd=7>
Service <uuid=a000 handleStart=12 handleEnd=65535>

The Service UUID=0xA000 is a custom service that contain is used to display the nRF51-DK button1's state

  • The button1's state could be obtained by reading the value stored in the characteristics-UUID 0xA001
    (this is a custom characteristics)


Displays the Device's handles,characteristic-UUIDs and properties by running :

  • python getDeviceCharacteristics.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the BLE_Button Example

Handle   UUID                                Properties
  0x03   00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb READ WRITE
  0x05   00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb READ
  0x07   00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb READ
  0x0A   00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb INDICATE
  0x0E   0000a001-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb NOTIFY READ

Information about the characteristic-UUID's could be found at [bluetooth.org] (https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicsHome.aspx)

The characteristic-UUID is where you could read/write values to update or get information from your BLE-device

The first entry has the UUID 0x2A00 wich is defined as org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name. The content cound be displayed using getDeviceName.py


Display your BLE [ Device Name] (https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name.xml) by running:

  • python getDeviceName.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The program searches the the UUID 0x2A00 entry, wich is defined as org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name and displays its content as a string

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the [BLE_Button Example](https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_Button/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) ```text nRF5x ``` #####readButton1.py --------------------- Displays the button1 value (UUID 0xa001 - custom characteristics) from the [BLE_Button Example](https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_Button/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) by running: * python readButton1.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The program displays the "Button1" state: every second by polling the "Button1 characteristics" (UUID 0xa001) value

  • value 0x00 button not pushed
  • value 0x01 button pushed

*The service-UUID 0xA000 * contains a custom characteristics-UUID 0xA001 .A custom characteristics, means that it is not predefined in the characteristics list from [bluetooth.org] (https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicsHome.aspx). * In plain english characteristics-UUID 0xA001 is the variable that contain the button1's state.


Displays the device's discriptors by running:

  • python getDesc.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the BLE_Button Example

UUID                                  Handle UUID by name
 00002800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x01   Descriptor <2800>
 00002803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x02   Descriptor <2803>
 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x03   Descriptor <Device Name>
 00002803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x04   Descriptor <2803>
 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x05   Descriptor <Appearance>
 00002803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x06   Descriptor <2803>
 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x07   Descriptor <Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters>
 00002800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x08   Descriptor <2800>
 00002803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x09   Descriptor <2803>
 00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0A   Descriptor <Service Changed>
 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0B   Descriptor <Client Characteristic Configuration>
 00002800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0C   Descriptor <2800>
 00002803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0D   Descriptor <2803>
 0000a001-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0E   Descriptor <a001>
 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb  0x0F   Descriptor <Client Characteristic Configuration>

From the this list we asees that the characteristics whdth UUID=0xA001 (Button1 characteristics) has a Descriptor ("Property setting's") named "Client Characteristic Configuration" (CCC).
CCC is used to enable/disable Notifications/Indications) more information is found in the following [link] (https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/descriptors/Pages/DescriptorViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.client_characteristic_configuration.xml)
Enabling notifications for the Button1 characteristics (UUID=0xA001) is done by setting bit0 (the first bit = 1) in the CCC (Client Characteristic Configuration). The CCC is accessed by witing to the handle (0x0f).


Displays and enables Nortfication for changes in the button1 value (UUID 0xa001 - custom service) from the BLE_Button Example by running:

  • python readButton1Notify.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the [BLE_Button Example](https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_Button/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) ```text Button1 Client Characteristic Configuration found at handle 0x0F Notification is turned on for Button1 Waiting... Waited more than one sec for notification Notification from Handle: 0x0E Value: 1 Notification from Handle: 0x0E Value: 0 ```


Turns the LED2 on/off using the [BLE_LED Example] (https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_LED/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) by running:

  • python writeLed2.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Expected output when the nRF51-DK is running the [BLE_LED Example] (https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Bluetooth-Low-Energy/code/BLE_LED/?platform=Nordic-nRF51-DK) ```text Led2 on Led2 off Led2 on Led2 off ```