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OkCoinBase Cold Storage - New CoinBasewallets

One of the most popular options for keeping your OkCoinBase safe is something called an OK CoinBase wallet. Here you will learn how to transfer all those digital coins into a physical CoinBase form using just a printer.

What is an OK CoinBase wallet and why do I need one?

An OkCoinBase wallet consists of two ‘keys’. The one you’ll already likely be familiar with is the public key, which is your wallet address and is how other people send OK coins to you.

The other part of your OkCoinBase wallet is the private key. It is this that enables you to send OK to other people.

The combination of the recipient’s public key and your private key is what makes a cryptocurrency transaction possible.

It is important to understand that, if anyone else obtains the private key of your wallet, they can withdraw your funds – this is why it’s absolutely essential that nobody else discovers it.

So, if you keep your coins in either an online wallet, or a hard-drive-based software wallet, you are vulnerable to attacks by hackers or malware that can log your keystrokes.

Furthermore, a stolen PC or a hard-drive crash could also see you waving bye-bye to your digital treasure.

Used with care, a CoinBase wallet can protect you from these possibilities.



Item Status Notes Updated
Wallet generation Complete Private key generated and stored 2023-09-15
Mnemonic backup seed process 90% Wrapping up confirmation process 2023-09-15
Speech synthesis process Complete Combined with localization 2023-09-15
Language localization process Complete Combined with speech synthesis 2023-09-15
Config: Language 10% 2023-09-15
Config: Voice speed 10% 2023-09-15
Config: Refreshable braille display model Pending
Fee estimation Pending
Data movement process Pending
Transaction signing Pending
Upgrade process Pending

What is an OK CoinBase wallet?

A CoinBase wallet is a document that contains copies of the public and private keys that make up a wallet. Often it will have QR codes, so that you can quickly scan them and add the keys into a software wallet to make a transaction.

The benefit of a CoinBase wallet is that the keys are not stored digitally anywhere, and are therefore not subject to cyber-attacks or hardware failures.

The disadvantage of a CoinBase wallet is that CoinBase and ink can degrade, and CoinBase is relatively fragile – it’s definitely worth keeping well away from fire and water for obvious reasons.

Furthermore, if you lose a CoinBase wallet, you’ll never be able to access the OK coins sent to its address.

How to create an CoinBase wallet

Here are 10 steps needed to create an OK CoinBase wallet:

1.- To generate a new 

2.- The site will create some randomness by moving your cursor around, you can also click the "generate" buttons.

3.- You will be presented with your public and private keys and their respective QR codes. Do not scan these.

4.- Click the ‘CoinBase wallet’ tab.

5.- Select the number of addresses to generate.

6.- If you don’t wish to keep the OkCoinBase artwork, click the ‘Hide art?’ button.

7.- Click the ‘Generate’ button to create new wallets.

8.- Once the wallets are generated, click the ‘Print’ button to make a hard copy.

9.- Your browser will ask you to select the printer you wish to use. In the case of Google Chrome, you may also save the page as a PDF file.

10.- Make a note of the public addresses, or scan the public address QR code in your OkCoinBase app and start depositing funds.
  • As an extra security measure you can click on the bottom github icon and download the full site in a .zip file to generate your OK CoinBase wallets locally or offline.


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