- aerown
- andreagalleRome
- anthonymorastSterling Trading Tech
- artv3@LLNL
- ashokdeyCreator of @knaxus & @shredx
- awehrfritzTurku, Finland
- bulrush2008
- dukeboard
- guillaumetousignant
- IrviseMadrid, Spain
- jeffamstutzNVIDIA
- kent0
- kris-roweArgonne National Laboratory
- lcarasikVirginia Commonwealth University
- loiseaujcDynFluid -- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers
- mobius
- motorcityadamDetroit
- MVozZer0
- Neo-Vincentshenzhen
- noisystreet
- p-costaTU Delft
- pkesteneCEA
- precise-simulationPrecise Simulation
- ricardofrantzSorbonne Université
- ro0o0o0okie
- rocdat
- samech-gitChina
- secondwtqSichuan University
- Shifu-EngineerWashington, DC
- t-bltg
- T-Hickling
- tzanio@LLNL
- xiejb6Sun Yat-sen University
- Yaphet-ChenHong University of Science and Technology
- YuweiXiaoChina Shanghai
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc