
PineDocs is a simple, fast, customizable and lightweight site for browsing files.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


PineDocs is a simple, fast, lightweight tool for viewing files in a browser. Great for documentation, wiki, notes, etc.

Renders Markdown, HTML, syntax highlighting code, images, GIFs, SVG, audio and small videos.


  • Cross-platform (currently tested on Ubuntu and Windows).
  • No database needed.
  • Supports Markdown, text, HTML, images, GIFs, audio and videos.
  • Syntax highlighting for over 169 languages with over 77 themes.
  • Multiple responsive themes and color schemes.
  • YAML Config file to change the settings.
  • Quick filtering in files



Setup guide

  1. Download the latest release or git clone
  2. Setup the web server to the /public dir (use php -S localhost:89 for testing)


Feel free to edit the config.yaml file to fit your needs.


  • title (string) The title of the site, used in tabs and bookmarks.

  • content_dir (string) Path to the dir you want to use. Default is the PineDocs/content/ dir.

  • logo (string) Path to the logo. If nothing is set, the PineDocs logo will be used.

  • index (string) Relative path to the index file. Default is array of index.md, index.html, index.txt, index.

  • theme (string) Available themes: default, default-dark, wiki, wiki-dark.

  • highlight_theme (string) The theme to use for code. See a list at https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/

  • code_transparent_bg (bool) If true, all will use the highlight theme. If false, the background will be transparent.

  • open_dirs (int|string) The number of levels of dirs that should be opnened on page load. Use all to open all dirs.

  • render_footer (bool) Render the menu footer?

  • exclude_files (array) List of files to exclude. Supports regex if the format is /regex/i.

  • show_file_extension (bool) Show file extensions. Default is true.
