
{EPITECH} | Second year | Computer numerical analysis

Primary LanguageC++


{EPITECH} | Second year | Computer numerical analysis

In 2016, weather disasters caused the displacement of 250 billion people and cost more than 100 billion dollars.

Several industries rely on weather forecasts: insurance, farming, construction, airlines, shipping, power generation and supply, drinks, clothing, sports, etc... In fact, it’s quite challenging to find a business which is not affected by climatic conditions. That’s why the weather forecasting market is so burgeoning. Despite popular opinion, weather forecasts are becoming more accurate than ever. Thanks to ingenious and talented people like you, who use smart tools to get better, faster and stronger predictions than the others.

Your job is to extract some relevant information from the data received in real-time on standard input (each float representing a temperature), in order to detect weather aberrations (droughts, severe colds, hurricanes or any other extreme climatic condition whatsoever) as soon as possible.

See the subject for further details !


Grade : A | Mark : 16.1

Category Percentage Tests Crash ?
rgs 100% 4/4 x
final switches 42.9% 3/7 x
errors 100% 3/3 x
outliers 100% 4/4 x
timing of switches 60% 3/5 x
End score 73.9% 17/23 No

Made with Quentin TREHEUX (LuciferBahamut)

Beware of -42 Epitech students !!!