
{EPITECH} | Second year | Unix Programming - Instrumentation

Primary LanguageC


{EPITECH} | Second year | Unix Programming - Instrumentation

As you know, ftrace allows to list all of the different inputs and outputs of a program’s function. Therefore, you must list the following:

  • system calls,
  • a program’s internal function calls with their name and address,
  • signals received from other programs,
  • function calls contained in the shared libraries (.so).

See the subject for further details !


Grade : A | Mark : 14.4

Category Percentage Tests Crash ?
Functions 40% 2/5 x
Functions basics 100% 3/3 x
syscall 100% 3/3 x
End score 72.2% 8/11 No

Made with Quentin TREHEUX (LuciferBahamut)

Beware of -42 Epitech students !!!