
Export images from Twitter Likes to Eagle

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Exporting images in Liked Tweets to a local Eagle.cool library.

This demo project uses Ktor HTTP client with Exposed SQL framework.


Run ./gradlew buildFatJar to build the executable file. The built artifact will locate at build/libs/IrisWatcher-all.jar.

Note: Require Java 11+ to compile and run.


Set the environment variables

IRIS_USERNAME - Username to pull liked tweets from, do not include @.

BEARER_TOKEN - API token for Twitter. It can be obtained from the Twitter Developer Portal.

HTTP_PROXY (optional) - HTTP proxy for all the requests. No proxy will be used if not set.

EAGLE_URL (optional) - Override the default URL for the local Eagle server.

LIMIT (optional) - Number of tweets to pull. Value should be in range 10..100. (15 by default)

CHECK_INTERVAL (optional) - Minutes to delay before checking updates again. (5 minutes by default)

Run the application

Open the Eagle app first before running this application

java -jar build/libs/IrisWatcher-all.jar

An H2 database file will be created to track processed tweets under:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/iriswatcher/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\iriswatcher\
  • Linux: /opt/iriswatcher/

Current limitations & TODOs

  • Only the last 100 liked tweets can be exported
  • Add support for configuration files (e.g., toml)