Takes the word count of all your campaigns, counting each object separately.
By default writes to standard output.
npx ts-node index.ts [OPTIONS] [-l N] [-O all|characters,locations,notes,items,...]
Uses a .env file for the API key and API base.
API_KEY=[your api key here]
API_BASE=[preffered kanka.io API version's base url, 1.0: https://api.kanka.io/1.0/]
-h, --help display this message
-l, --list_length length of the highest wordcount ranking, pass 0 to omit it, also works with negative numbers (default: all)
-n, --no_attributes (TODO) omit atrributes (age, gender, type, pronouns... + attributes tab)
-o, --output (TODO) entries are also written to out.json in the working directory
-O, --objects (TODO) specify objects to be included (default: all)
-p, --parent (TODO) include parent object's name in the calculations
-r, --reverse display N lowest instead of N highest entries
-q, --quiet display nothing in terminal, to be used with -o
-v, --verbose (TODO: time) writes api calls to standard output with time taken