2048 is a number puzzle game. When the squares of the same number are merged together, they will add up. Each round will have an extra square with 2 or 4 written on it, and the game ends when the square cannot be moved. Players have to find a way to make up a square with 2048 (or larger) in this small 16 squares.
Quick Start
Run as docker container
open shell and input:
export VERSION=v1.1.0-beta.4
docker run -d -p 8080:80 ghcr.io/daocloud/dao-2048:$VERSION
open browser and view http://:8080 .
Run in kubernetes
export VERSION=v1.1.0-beta.4
helm repo add dao-2048 http://daocloud.github.io/dao-2048/
helm install dao-2048/dao-2048 --generate-name --version $VERSION
Use Static Image
helm install dao-2048/dao-2048 --generate-name --version $VERSION --set image.repository=daocloud/dao-2048-static
This image is derived from the Docker Hub image alexwhen/docker-2048, thanks to the developer**[alexwhen] (https://github.com/alexwhen)** enthusiastic support. And thanks to gabrielecirulli's [2048] (https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048) project