
On Request Vector Tiles server based on OpenMapTiles and Kartotherian

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Makina Maps

On Request Vector Tiles server based on OpenMapTiles and TileServer GL with the ability to:

  • Build Vector Tiles on Demand from the OpenMapTiles database
  • Served Mapbox GL Style, with sprites and fonts
  • Render Raster version of Mapbox GL style
  • Cache vector and Raster tiles



Install as system dependencies: git, make, docker and docker-compose.

Clone Git reposittory

Get the project:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/makinacorpus/makina-maps.git
cd makina-maps

Get GL Json Styles and Fonts:

git clone -b gh-pages https://github.com/openmaptiles/osm-bright-gl-style.git tileserver-gl/styles/osm-bright-gl-style
git clone -b gh-pages https://github.com/openmaptiles/klokantech-basic-gl-style.git tileserver-gl/styles/klokantech-basic-gl-style
git clone -b gh-pages https://github.com/openmaptiles/fonts.git

Setup Docker images

Build and Fetch docker images:

docker-compose build
cd openmaptiles
docker-compose pull

Import OpenStreetMap Data

OpenMapTiles initial Load

Use the management scripts from openmaptiles directory.

cd openmaptiles

Import generic data, not from OpenStreetMap:


Prepare import by download OpenStreetMap data and setup configuration for an area. The area names are from Geofabrik:

../scripts/20-import-prepare.sh europe/andorra

Import the OpenStreetMap extract from data directory:


The scripts 20-import-prepare.sh or 30-import-extract.sh can be replayed with the same or other area.

Update OpenMapTiles data

From the openmaptiles directory.

Run the updater. It loops over pending updates, then wait for new update.


You can stop with CTRL-C, it will quit at the end of the current update.

Imposm marks tiles to expire. Then a script in the nginx container watches and expires tiles in the nginx cache.

Run the tiles server

From root directory. Start the OpenMapTiles database and the web server.

(cd openmaptiles && make db-start && docker-compose up -d postserve)
docker-compose up

Access to cached tiles and services at:


Configuration file is Tileserver-GL configuration file tileserver-gl/config.json.

Get more detail about this configuration at the Tileserver-GL documentation.


  "styles": {
    "bright": {
      // Path to the Mapbox-GL Style
      "style": "osm-bright-gl-style/style-local.json"
    "basic": {
      // Disable the render as raster (no PNG...)
      "serve_rendered": false,
      "style": "klokantech-basic-gl-style/style-local.json"

Vector tiles data sources

Where the vector tiles are come from. Can be generated on the fly from OpenMapTiles database, other external source or local MBTiles files.

  "data": {
    // Name of the source, here OpenMapTiles v3
    "v3": {
      // On demand tiles, internal URL
      // Alternatively could be a MBTiles
      // This option is specific to Makina Maps and not available in standard Tileserver-GL
      "remote_tilejson": "http://postserve:8090/"

Public URLs

The domains may be adjusted. There used only for raster tiles.

    "domains": [
      // Publicly available domains, for raster tiles

The vector tiles source (tilejon) should be overwritten to expose public URLs.

  "data": {
    "v3": {
      "remote_tilejson": "http://postserve:8090/",
      "tilejson": {
        "tiles": [
          // Public available URLs of vector tiles

The tiles URLs in tilejson from vector tiles producer are internal to the docker-compose and refer to internal host. Should be redefined as public URLs for outside world.


Architecture overview, workflow.

               Nginx                  OpenMapTiles
               Cache   TileServer-GL    postserve

tilejson <------ X <-------- X <----------- X
pbf tiles <---- -X <---------------|------- X
                 |                 |
                  `--------> X <---'
png tiles <----- X <---------'


Import size and time

Specific only on 8 CPUs (import-osm, import-sql and psql-analyze, without docker pulling time).

Area PBF size Imposm cache Postgres size Time 8 CPUs / SSD Time 4 CPUs / HD 1 d Update
Andorra 243 Ko 3.3 Mo 3.5 Go 36 s 1 min 21 s
Alsace 100 Mo 156 Mo 4.5 Go 3 min 20 s 4 min 32 s
Aquitaine 214 Mo 374 Mo 6.4 Go 6 min 40 s 8 m 39 s 1 min
Austria 559 Mo 781 Mo 9.4 Go 23 min 26 min 35 s
France 3.5 Go 35 Go 105 min 210 min 58 s
Europe 20 Go 35 Go 206 Go 12 h 22 min 3 d 23 h 3 h


Size of Imposm cache.

docker-compose run import-osm bash -c "du -h /cache/"

Size of the current database.

docker-compose exec postgres psql openmaptiles openmaptiles -c "
  pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_relation_size(pg_catalog.pg_class.oid))::bigint) as table_size
  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON
    relnamespace = pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid
  pg_catalog.pg_namespace.nspname = 'public';

Show slow queries

ALTER DATABASE openmaptiles SET log_min_duration_statement = 100;

And grep slowest queries

docker logs openmaptiles_postgres_1 |& grep 'LOG:  duration:' | cut -d ':' -f 3- | sed 's/BOX3D([^)]*)//g' | sort -n


Server metrics could be available on StatsD / Graphite on http://localhost:8899

The metrics logs are not used by default and could be enabled by adding docker-compose-benchmark.yml to docker-compose and uncommenting the metrics section from config.yaml.


Use Artillery.io to benchmark the tiles server. Use docker-compose-benchmark.yml.

Generate one set of tiles coordinates to be requested. Coordinates are tile ranges at zoom level 14 (https://www.maptiler.com/google-maps-coordinates-tile-bounds-projection/)

# Continantal Europe
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-benchmark.yml run --rm artillery bash -c 'ruby artillery.rb 8445-9451 5356-5891 | egrep "^14," > artillery.csv'
# Aquitaine
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-benchmark.yml run --rm artillery bash -c 'ruby artillery.rb 8000-8200 5800-6000 | egrep "^14," > artillery.csv'
# Bordeaux area
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-benchmark.yml run --rm artillery bash -c 'ruby artillery.rb 8157-8171 5895-5909 | egrep "^14," > artillery.csv'
# Paris area
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-benchmark.yml run --rm artillery bash -c 'ruby artillery.rb 8285-8311 5621-5645 | egrep "^14," > artillery.csv'

Clear the tiles cache first. Then request the tiles server.

docker-compose run --rm nginx rm -fr /cache/*
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-benchmark.yml run --rm artillery artillery run artillery.yaml

Random order tiles request on mixed urban and rural area, without concurrency. Time from server, HTTP included.

Source Delay
Zoom 12 mixte Europe 50 ms
Zoom 13, mixte Europe 49 ms
Zoom 14, mixte Europe 60 ms
Zoom 14, urban Paris 250 ms
From cache 5 ms