A powerful chatting application which supports commands, nicknames, rooms, and is very basic in design... not so much in features.
Please go to https://replit.com/@icxnelly/BruhBoxChat#.replit instead where the source code has been moved to.
users have to wait until after they're in chatroom to change nickname. - working on changing this.
Clears the chatlog cache for the current room
Clears the username cache
Shows the available commands
/join room
Joins the specified room
/msg user
Sends a direct/private message to the specified user
/nick name
Changes and saves your nickname
Lists the active rooms on the server
Lists the users in current room
/whois user/#room
Shows stats of the specified user
or #room
/kick user
Kicks the specified user
/op user
Enables admin privilages for the speficied user
/deop user
Disables admin privilages for the specified user
/mute user
Mutes the specified user
/unmute user
Unmutes the specified user