
udemy - unreal course - An open-world head-to-head tank fight with simple AI, terrain, and advanced control system in Unreal 4

Primary LanguageC++

Udemy - Unreal Engine course

Samples and drafts about code from udemy course The Unreal Engine Developer Course https://www.udemy.com/unrealcourse/learn/v4/

This source code implements a Tank Game, It was possible to learn how to use material a meshes, interaction between C++ and Blueprints, projectile mechanics and some Artificial Intelligence applied to tank movements.

#####Note You need to copy Contents folder (650MB) to compile source code examples from https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Tutorials/index.html


  1. Landscape
  2. Using Material layers with Landscapes
  3. Meshes, Materials and Textures
  4. Lights and sky lights
  5. Static Meshes and Sockets
  6. Configure Tank Sockets
  7. Actors from Multiple Meshes (mount an actor using multiple meshes and sockets)
  8. Setup GameMode using Blueprints
  9. Set up a Default Pawn in GameMode
  10. 3rd Person Camera Control using Blueprints
  11. UMG's
  12. Intro Menu, Screenplay
  13. Delegating to components
  14. Virtual and override
  15. AIControllerClass
  16. PlayerController
  17. Out parameters
  18. Screen pixel Coordinates
  19. DeprojectScreenToWorld
  20. LineTraceSingleByChannel
  21. Using UActorComponentes
  22. Invoke UstaticMesnh
  23. CreateDefaultSubObjects in C++
  24. BlueprintCallable
  25. Project Claculations
  26. FRotators
  27. Forward Declarations
  28. BlueprintSpwanbleComponent
  29. Using Clamp() to Limit values
  30. Turret Rotation
  31. Setup projectiles
  32. SpawnActor<> to Spawn
  33. Projectile Movemement
  34. Making AI Fires
  35. EditAnyWhere vs EditDefaults
  36. Quit button
  37. Track Throtlles
  38. ApplyForceAtlocation()
  39. Physics materials & Friction
  40. BlueprintReadOnly
  41. Component Architecure
  42. AI PathFinding
  43. RequestDirectMove
  44. DotProduct
  45. CrossProduct
  46. BlueprintVariables
  47. BlueprintImplementableEvent
  48. DependecyMapping
  49. Programmatic sideways friction
  50. Reference Viewer
  51. Particle Systems
  52. FAttachmentTransformRules
  53. Radial Forces
  54. GetTimerManager
  55. TakeDamage
  56. BlueprintPure
  57. The Observe Pattern
  58. Switching Cameras