Samples and drafts about code from udemy course The Unreal Engine Developer Course
This source code implements a Tank Game, It was possible to learn how to use material a meshes, interaction between C++ and Blueprints, projectile mechanics and some Artificial Intelligence applied to tank movements.
#####Note You need to copy Contents folder (650MB) to compile source code examples from
- Landscape
- Using Material layers with Landscapes
- Meshes, Materials and Textures
- Lights and sky lights
- Static Meshes and Sockets
- Configure Tank Sockets
- Actors from Multiple Meshes (mount an actor using multiple meshes and sockets)
- Setup GameMode using Blueprints
- Set up a Default Pawn in GameMode
- 3rd Person Camera Control using Blueprints
- UMG's
- Intro Menu, Screenplay
- Delegating to components
- Virtual and override
- AIControllerClass
- PlayerController
- Out parameters
- Screen pixel Coordinates
- DeprojectScreenToWorld
- LineTraceSingleByChannel
- Using UActorComponentes
- Invoke UstaticMesnh
- CreateDefaultSubObjects in C++
- BlueprintCallable
- Project Claculations
- FRotators
- Forward Declarations
- BlueprintSpwanbleComponent
- Using Clamp() to Limit values
- Turret Rotation
- Setup projectiles
- SpawnActor<> to Spawn
- Projectile Movemement
- Making AI Fires
- EditAnyWhere vs EditDefaults
- Quit button
- Track Throtlles
- ApplyForceAtlocation()
- Physics materials & Friction
- BlueprintReadOnly
- Component Architecure
- AI PathFinding
- RequestDirectMove
- DotProduct
- CrossProduct
- BlueprintVariables
- BlueprintImplementableEvent
- DependecyMapping
- Programmatic sideways friction
- Reference Viewer
- Particle Systems
- FAttachmentTransformRules
- Radial Forces
- GetTimerManager
- TakeDamage
- BlueprintPure
- The Observe Pattern
- Switching Cameras