
udemy - unreal course - A simple First Person game to learn level building, lighting, Unreal Editor, C++ game logic, basic Blueprint and more.

Primary LanguageC++

Udemy - Unreal Engine course

Samples and drafts about code from udemy course The Unreal Engine Developer Course https://www.udemy.com/unrealcourse/learn/v4/

This source code implements a player that is trying to escape from a room.

#####Note You need to copy Contents folder (650MB) to compile source code examples from https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Tutorials/index.html

01 - BuildingRoom

  1. NewMap
  2. Git config
  3. Add ActorComponent
  4. Print message Log UE_LOG
  5. GetOwner()
  6. Colisions box and triggers volumes
  7. UplayerControllert get APawn
  8. Default Pawn Blueprints
  9. Add two vectors
  10. LineTraceSingleByObjectType
  11. DebugLine from PlayerViewpoint
  12. New GameMode from blueprint
  13. Raycast
  14. UPhysicsHandleByObject and UPhysicsComponent
  15. UPhysicsHandleComponent