
Absolute - A clean ZSH theme

MIT LicenseMIT

Absolute - A clean ZSH theme

Absolute is a oh-my-zsh shell theme with a very clean look.



  • Shows just the current directory
  • Git branch
  • Git status through icons
    • ◒ Untracked
    • ✚ Added
    • ✹ Modified
    • ✖ Deleted
    • ➜ Renamed
    • ⇡ Ahead remote
    • ⇣ Behind remote
  • Battery percentage when needed ⚡ 81%
  • NVM node version ‹ ⬢ 6.3.0 ›
  • Last command exit code ↵


  • Background jobs


If you are using the awesome antigen just run antigen theme NelsonBrandao/absolute absolute to try the theme out.

When ready add antigen theme NelsonBrandao/absolute absolute to your .zshrc.

Note: This theme requires oh-my-zsh so make sure you have antigen use oh-my-zsh on your .zhrc.

Download or clone repository into zsh_custom/themes

Copy absolute.zsh-theme into ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/absolute.zsh-theme

Set ZSH_THEME="absolute" in your .zshrc