
A live scoreboard for competitive programming

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Front-End: Angular 8

  • Angular CLI version: 8.3.29 (required!).
    • sudo npm install -g @angular/cli@8.3.5
  • Local build: ng serve
  • Local build open to the public: ng serve --host
  • Production build: ng build --prod=true

Back-End: NodeJS

  • Node version: v10.16.3 (required!).
    • sudo npm install -g n
    • sudo n 10.16.3
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Manually change the production flag on server.js (I will fix this)
  • Build: node server.js

Database: PostgreSQL

  • PostgreSQL version: 12.4 (required!)
    • sudo apt install postgresql-12 postgresql-client-12 pgadmin4
    • I prefer to configure everything over pgadmin4: /usr/pgadmin4/bin/setup-web.sh
  • Running locally will store on a single json file
    • Just because I'm too lazy to setup everything here tehe
  • Running on production will store stuff on PostgreSQL


Oracle cloud

Oracle cloud has a great freemium that is more than enough for this.

Open ports

  1. Enable internet access to your VM.
  2. Open a port in the VM: sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=4200/tcp


  • Check the Heroku log: heroku logs --app huxley-scoreboard --tail


  1. Create a file database_url on the root folder of this repository.
    • It must follow this pattern: postgres://{username}:{password}@{host}:5432/{database}.
    • Do not commit this file!
  2. Compile the Front-End at scoreboard folder: ng build --prod=true.
  3. Run the Back-End: node server.js.
    • The Back-End hosts the compiled Front-End.