
TextAnalyzer extends the gender-bias app. It was originally developed as part of my submission to the Kaggle City of Los Angeles Jobs Competition but it can be used to find gender-biased or complex words in any text documents. To use it, follow this manual installation process. First, install gender-bias app:

git clone https://github.com/gender-bias/gender-bias
cd gender-bias
pip3 install -e .

Then, copy these folders into the gender-bias folder. You will replace the original bias detectors because I fixed a bug. And you will add the new bias detectors.

/effort  (replace)
/genderedwords (replace)
/personal_life (replace)
/malewords    (add)
/femalewords    (add)
/nonnativewords    (add)

Create a folder called JBR_BiasText in your home folder. Then, run gender-bais using this command.

cat /home/YOUR_HOME_FOLDER/gender-bias/FOLDER_WITH_YOUR_TEXT_FILES/'311 DIRECTOR 9206 041814.txt' | genderbias > JBR_BiasText/3119.txt

Note: If you are evaulating the City of Los Angeles Job Bulletins then FOLDER_WITH_YOUR_TEXT_FILES should be the folder containing the City of Los Angeles Job Bulletins in text format.