
A simple NFT Omnichain to all remember the crypto culture and mostly SBF and FTX.

Primary LanguageSolidity

For The Culture

This project is a simple NFT Omnichain to all remember the crypto culture and mostly SBF and FTX.

Production Deployement

Base Address : 0xb1379c5041c5ca4c222388429ed5efa22c9bbde7 Scroll Address : 0x3374Eb14b0293D51756f6865a7715D7699b53693

How to mint ?

"For The Culture" is only mintable on Base, and doesn't have official front actually. To mint "For The Culture", you can either mint directly on the contract or threw mint.fun here, and you even will accumulate 10points for each new "For The Culture" minted.

How to bridge using Explorer ?

Bridge in a few steps

  1. Go to the contract page

  2. Click on Contract > Write Contract and find the function sendFrom

  3. You first need to approve the contract to spend your token, so click on approve and fill in the info like this :

    • to to (address) : The address of the contract
    • tokenId tokenId (uint256) : The token id to approve
  4. Fill the different info like this :

    • sendFrom payableAmount (ether) : Either put an amount like 0.005 (don't worry you will be refunded if you put more ETH than needed) or see bellow (How to get perfect gas cost ?) on how to get perfect gas cost
    • _from _from (address) : The address of the receiver
    • _dstChainId _dstChainId (uint16) : The chain id of destination (Scroll : 214, Base : 184), or see LayerZero documentation here
    • _toAddress _toAddress (bytes) : The address of the receiver on the destination chain
    • _tokenId_tokenId (uint256) : The id of the token to send
    • _refundAddress _refundAddress (address) : The address to refund if the transaction fails
    • _zroPaymentAddress _zroPaymentAddress (address) : Add this value 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
    • _adapterParams _adapterParams (bytes) : Add this value 0x00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030d40 it's the adapter params to use for the bridge (see here for more info)
  5. Click on Write and confirm the transaction on your wallet. You can see the OFNT transfer on the explorer here by putting the transaction hash.

How to get the perfect gas cost ?

  1. Go to the contract page

  2. Click on Contract > Read Contract and find the function estimateSendFee and complete with the following info :

    • _dstChainId _dstChainId (uint16) : The chain id of destination (Scroll : 214, Base : 184), or see LayerZero documentation here
    • _toAddress _toAddress (bytes) : The address of the receiver on the destination chain
    • _tokenId_tokenId (uint256) : The id of the token to send
    • _useZro _useZro (bool) : Add this value false
    • _adapterParams _adapterParams (bytes) : Add this value 0x00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030d40 it's the adapter params to use for the bridge (see here for more info)
  3. You will get two result nativeFee and zroFee; you only need to take the nativeFee value.

Project usage


$ forge build


$ forge test


$ forge fmt


forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --ledger --hd-paths HD_PATHS --legacy
--rpc-url https://goerli.base.org --sender ADDRESS_SENDER