Full Stack Implementation to Build an RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Application

Brief Introduction

A Next.js Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Application that allow users to upload PDF document and ask questions related to the selected document. It achieves this by retrieving pertinent data or documents related to a specific question or task and utilizing them as contextual information for the LLM.



Tech Stack

  • Framework: Next.js with React
  • Database: MongoDB
  • ORM: Prisma
  • UI: Material UI, Semantic UI, Radix UI

Run Locally

npm install
npm run dev


Github: https://github.com/Nelsonlin0321/webdev-rag-backend-api

Build Docker

docker build -t ${image_name}:latest -f ./Dockerfile . --platform linux/arm64/v8
docker run --env-file docker.env -p 3000:3000 -it --rm  ${image_name}:latest --name ${image_name}