
Explanation Classes:

Doctor: Represents a doctor with an ID, name, and specialty. Patient: Represents a patient with an ID, name, and age. Appointment: Represents an appointment with an ID, doctor, patient, date, and time. AppointmentSystem: Manages the doctors, patients, and appointments. Methods:

addDoctor: Adds a doctor to the system. addPatient: Adds a patient to the system. bookAppointment: Books an appointment for a patient with a doctor on a specified date and time. viewAppointments: Displays all booked appointments. Usage Compile the code using a C++ compiler (e.g., g++ DoctorAppointmentSystem.cpp -o DoctorAppointmentSystem). Run the compiled program (./DoctorAppointmentSystem). The example provided will add two doctors, two patients, book two appointments, and then display the booked appointments. This is a basic implementation to get you started. You can expand it by adding more features such as:

Error handling for invalid inputs. Removing doctors, patients, and appointments. Persistent storage (using files or a database). A graphical user interface (GUI) using libraries like Qt or a web interface using frameworks like Flask (with a C++ backend).