
Book Store application with book and author management with Customer and Administrator users. With .NET Core and Blazor.

Primary LanguageC#


Book Store application with book and author management with Customer and Administrator users. With .NET Core and Blazor.

  • .NET Core
  • AutoMapper
  • NLog
  • Swagger UI
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Repository Pattern
  • Identity and Authentication
  • Security with JSON Web Token

Endpoints for the Backend

Entity Type URL Description Success Failure Authorize
User POST api/users/login User Login. You are able to login with username or email. 200 OK and the Token 500 InternalServerError with a message No
POST api/users/register User Registration (as a Costumer) 201 Created 500 InternalServerError with a message No
Author GET api/authors Get all authors. 200 OK 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes
GET api/authors/:id Get an author by id. 200 OK 404 NotFound; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes
POST api/authors Creates an author. 201 Created 400 BadRequest; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)
PUT api/authors/:id Update an author by id. 204 NoContent 400 BadRequest; 404 NotFound; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)
DELETE api/authors/:id Delete an author by id. 204 NoContent 400 BadRequest; 404 NotFound; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)
Book GET api/books Get all books. 200 OK 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes
GET api/books/:id Get a Book by id. 200 OK 404 NotFound; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes
POST api/books Creates a new book. 201 Created 400 BadRequest; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)
PUT api/books/:id Update a book by id. 204 NoContent 400 BadRequest; 404 NotFound; 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)
DELETE api/books/:id Delete a book by id. 204 NoContent 500 InternalServerError with a message Yes (Only Administrator)