
This repository contains a Minimal API (CRUD) with .NET 6 as a practise project with tests.

Primary LanguageC#


This repository contains a Minimal API (CRUD) with .NET 6 as a practise project.

Tech Stack - Backend

  • .NET 6
  • Swagger
  • FluentValidation
  • FluentAssertions
  • Security with JSON Web Token
  • NSubstitute
  • XUnit

Endpoints of the Backend

Entity Type URL Description Success Authorize
Customer GET /customers Get all customers. 200 OK No
GET /customers/{id} Get customer by Id. 200 OK No
POST /customers Create a customer. 201 CREATED No
PUT /customers/{id} Update a customer by Id 200 OK Yes
DELETE /customers/{id} Delete a customer by Id 200 OK Yes