
Complete WebShop / eCommerce application in MERN stack. (MongoDB Express React&Redux Node)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Complete WebShop / eCommerce application in MERN stack. (MongoDB Express React Node)

Env Variables

Create a .env file in then root and add the following

NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = your mongodb uri
JWT_SECRET = 'abc123'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = your paypal client id

Install Dependencies (frontend & backend)

npm install
cd frontend
npm install


You can use the following commands to fill up the database.

# Import data
npm run data:import

# Destroy data
npm run data:destroy


# Run frontend (:3000) & backend (:5000)
npm run dev

# Run backend only
npm run server

Backend Endpoints

Private means you have to login.

Entity Type URL Description Access
User POST /api/users/login Auth user and get token. Public
POST /api/users Register a new user. Public
GET /api/users/profile Get user profile. Private
PUT /api/users/profile Update user profile. Private
GET /api/users/ Get all users Private & Admin
DELETE /api/users/:id Delete user. Private & Admin
GET /api/users/:id Get user by id. Private & Admin
PUT /api/users/:id Update user. Private & Admin
Product GET /api/products Get all products, with search function and pagination. Public
GET /api/products/:id Get a single product. Public
DELETE /api/products/:id Delete product. Private & Admin
POST /api/products Create a product. Private & Admin
PUT /api/products/:id Update a product. Private & Admin
POST /api/products/:id/reviews Create new review. Private
GET /api/products/top Get top rated products. Public
Order POST /api/orders Create new order. Private
GET /api/orders/:id Get order by id. Private
PUT /api/orders/:id/pay Update order to paid. Private
PUT /api/orders/:id/deliver Update order to delivered. Private & Admin
GET /api/orders/myorders Get the logged in user's orders. Private
GET /api/orders Get all orders. Private & Admin