Implementation of a REST API in .NET Core 3.1

Primary LanguageC#


Full implementation of a REST API in .NET Core 3.1

Endpoints for the Commander Backend API:

Entity Type URL Description Success Failure
User POST api/users/login Authenticate a user. 200 OK 400 Bad Request
POST api/users/register Register a user. 200 OK 400 Bad Request
GET api/users Read all users. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized
GET api/users/{id} Read a single user. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found
PUT api/users/update/{id} Update entire or partial user data. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized, 400 Bad Request
DELETE api/users/delete/{id} Delete a single user. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found
Command GET api/commands Read all resources. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized, 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found
GET api/commands/{id} Read a single resource. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized, 400 Bad Request, 404 Not Found
POST api/commands/create Create a new resource. 201 Created 401 Unauthorized, 400 Bad Request
PUT api/commands/update/{id} Update an entire resource. 204 No Content 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found
PATCH api/commands/update/{id} Update a partial resource. 204 No Content 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found
DELETE api/commands/delete/{id} Delete a single resource. 204 No Content 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found
DELETE api/commands/deleteall Delete all resources. 204 No Content 401 Unauthorized, ..