
A bump bot written in Discord.py!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A bump bot written in Discord.py!


  • Easy to configure bot
  • Direct support from the devs
  • Webhook bumps
  • Server List Extension

Setting up

Configuring the bot

  • Rename config-example.yml to config.yml and modify the values.
- manager
- ids
prefix: "preferred-prefix"
token: "bot-token"
version: 'bot-version'
mongo: "mongo-uri"
bot_name: "bot-name"

Example Config

- 219567539049594880
prefix: "="
token: "Th1s1s4vE5yG0odT0k3n1.M4yB3.To0G6DT0B3Tr93z" # Fake token
version: '1.0'
mongo: "mongodb+srv://dbuser:dbpassword@cluster0.r4nd0m.mongodb.net/"
bot_name: "BytesBump"

Modifying settings.json

  • settings.json contains data regarding the bot's functionality. You may modify all of the values.
    "cooldown": 3600, // Bump cooldown in seconds
    "show_motd": false, // Show motd.txt after bumping
    "show_motd_wait": 10, // Time to wait before showing motd.txt
    "enable_serverlist": false, // Enable server list. Scroll down for more info.
    "serverlist_url": "" // Index URL for the server list (with the slash at the end)

If you decide to copy the above config, remove the comments pls.

Preparing the Database

To be able to store the server data you will require a Mongo Database. You can get a free 500MB Database from MongoDB Atlas. That's enough for dozens of servers.

Head over to Atlas and create a new account. You will then be greeted with this panel. Panel View

Select the FREE one and give it a name. Follow these steps;

  • Go to Database Access section under the Security tab and click + ADD NEW USER. Give it Read and write to any database permissions so the bot can properly store the data. Give it a username and a secure password. Save the password only. New User
  • To allow the bot to actually access the database, you should whitelist all IP's. Go to Network Access section under the Security tab and click + ADD IP ADDRESS. Click the Allow Access From Everywhere and should appear in the Whitelist Entry. If it doesn't, enter it manually. Lastly, click confirm. Whitelist All IP's
  • Time to connect to the Database! Go to Cluster under the DATA STORAGE tab. If your database is still setting up, please wait until it's done! Once it is, click the CONNECT button and Connect Your Application. Copy a link that looks like this; mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@cluster0.r4nd0m.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority
  • Lastly, remove the myFirstDatabase?retryWrites=true&w=majority part and replace <username> with your user's name (sometimes it is already replaced in if there's only one user), and <password> with your saved password. Take the link and paste it as the value of mongo in config.yml!
  • Your database is done!

Server List Extension

Your bot is basically done. You can start using it right away! However, we provide you with a server list website where all servers stored in the database will appear! You can check out this repo to setup the server list.

Additional Information


If you have any questions, visit BytesToBits | Coding!


You are welcome to contribute and help improve the bot. Contributions must only concern the main part of the bot. In other words, if it has to do with the server list, this is not the right place.