My Duka Back end
My duka backend is an API for an application that aims to be an inventory management system. The application will also have an admins dashboard where only the admins and those given permission will be able to edit, delete or add inventory. By default, all users can be able to see the inventory that is available in the store.
The application will be built on the Ruby on Rails framework on the backend and React and Redux for its front end.
The link to the front end can be found here
Built With
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- Redux
Additional Tools
- Rubocop
- Ruby Gems
Getting Started
To get local copy of the project and run
git clone
cd my-duka-backend
gem install bundler
bundle install
rails s
Database Setup
Setup db
su - postgres
create role nemwel with createdb login password 'root'
rails db:setup
rails db:create
bundle exec rspec
Run your tests
To run rubocop we use:
To autocorrect offenses with rubocop we use:
rubocop --auto-correct-all
orrubocop -A
Have fun with TDD!
👤 Nemwel Boniface
- GitHub: @Nemwel Boniface
- Twitter: @Nemwel Boniface
- LinkedIn: @Nemwel Bonifacej
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Anyone whose code will be used
📝 License
This project is MIT licensed.