DevOps Project: Kubernetes Deployment with Jenkins CI/CD


This project involves setting up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS and configuring CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins. The project covers infrastructure provisioning using Terraform, configuration management with Ansible, and deploying an e-commerce application using Jenkins and Kubernetes.

Project Steps

1. Infrastructure Provisioning

  • Tools Used: Terraform
  • Resources Provisioned:
    • VPC: Virtual Private Cloud
    • Internet Gateway: For internet access
    • EC2 Instances:
      • Master Node: Central node for Kubernetes control
      • Worker Nodes: Nodes for running application workloads
    • S3 Bucket: For storage needs
    • Route Tables: To manage traffic routing
    • Security Groups: To control access to instances
    • Subnets: Public and private subnets for network isolation

Run Terraform

  1. Navigate to the Terraform Directory:
    cd path/to/terraform/directory
    terraform init
    terraform fmt
    terraform validate
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
    #terraform destroy

2. Master Node Configuration

  • Tools Used: Ansible
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Installed Kubernetes components (kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl)
    • Configured the master node and initialized the Kubernetes cluster
    • Connected worker nodes to the master node using Ansible playbooks:
      • kube-dependencies.yml: Installs required dependencies
      • master.yml: Configures the master node
      • workers.yml: Configures the worker nodes
      • helm.yml: Installs and configures Helm

Run Ansible

ansible all -i path/to/inventory/file -m ping
ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory/file kube-dependencies.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory/file master.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory/file workers.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/inventory/file helm.yml

3. Jenkins Installation and Configuration

  • Tools Used: Helm
  • Steps:
    • Installed Helm on the master node
    • Deployed Jenkins using Helm charts on the Kubernetes cluster
    • Configured Jenkins with necessary plugins for CI/CD

4. CI/CD Pipeline Setup

  • Repository: Day38-devops
  • Pipeline Includes:
    • Source Code Checkout: Pulls code from GitHub
    • Build Docker Image: Builds Docker images from the Dockerfile
    • Push Docker Image: Pushes Docker images to Docker Hub
    • Deploy to Kubernetes: Deploys the Docker image to Kubernetes using Helm
    • Print Logs: Fetches logs from the deployment for verification

5. Application Deployment

  • Application: E-commerce application
  • Steps:
    • Built and pushed Docker image of the Node.js application
    • Deployed the application on Kubernetes worker nodes
    • Exposed the application using a Kubernetes Service

Project Files

  • Terraform Configuration: Defines AWS infrastructure
  • Ansible Playbooks: Configures Kubernetes and Helm
  • Jenkins Pipeline: Automates the CI/CD process
  • Dockerfile: Defines the Docker image for the Node.js application
  • Node.js Application: Source code for the application


  1. Provision Infrastructure:

    • Run Terraform scripts to create AWS resources.
  2. Configure Nodes:

    • Use Ansible playbooks to set up the master and worker nodes.
  3. Install Jenkins:

    • Deploy Jenkins using Helm and configure it for CI/CD.
  4. Run Pipeline:

    • Use Jenkins to build, push, and deploy the Docker image.
  5. Deploy Application:

    • The e-commerce application will be deployed on Kubernetes.


For more detailed information on each step, please refer to the respective scripts and configuration files in this repository.


image image image image

Master and Worker Nodes:


S3 Bucket: image

VPC and Subnets: image image image

Route table: image

Internet Gateway: image

Security Groups: image image image image

Ansible: image image image image image image image image

Master node: All the nodes are ready and Helm is installed. image image image

Mater node: image image image image image

image image