Try Here: https://descartable-server.web.app/
Available at Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anvildev.papermerchant&pli=1
Interested in participating in a competition? https://prometheusinvestors.com/trade-competition
For Mobile Applications, feel free to scan here:
Here some development notes for mantainers.
Diagram Process
flutter run -d chrome --web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"
However it seems that the error dissapears when you remove the /
at the end.
- it seems that the way you direct in Fastapi the endpoint (with or without
) is important.
firebase hosting:disable
Deployment for the web is done by running the following commands:
flutter build web
firebase deploy
If you are using the old windwos run the following.:
Open an admin console. | cd to it
nvm use 16.16.0
flutter build web
firebase deploy
nvm use 20.11.0
If you just upgraded dependecies amke sure to delete your cache.
requires SDK version >=3.0.6 <4.0.0, version solving failed.
flutter doctor
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade
flutter pub get
It will be posted at:
Running in chrome
flutter config --enable-web
flutter run -d chrome
"bookmarks_names": [
"bookmarks": {
"AAPL": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 190.9,
"High": 192.09,
"Low": 188.97,
"Close": 189.37,
"Volume": 43013232
"JPM": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 154.17,
"High": 155.625,
"Low": 154,
"Close": 154.32,
"Volume": 9126055
"MSFT": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 383.76,
"High": 384.3,
"Low": 377.44,
"Close": 378.85,
"Volume": 28963577
"stocks": {
"JPM": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 154.17,
"High": 155.625,
"Low": 154,
"Close": 154.32,
"Volume": 9126055
"MSFT": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 383.76,
"High": 384.3,
"Low": 377.44,
"Close": 378.85,
"Volume": 28963577
"AAPL": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 190.9,
"High": 192.09,
"Low": 188.97,
"Close": 189.37,
"Volume": 43013232
"COIN": {
"Date": "2023-11-30",
"Open": 127.82,
"High": 131.42,
"Low": 126.3,
"Close": 127.82,
"Volume": 13908770
"papel_asset_worth": 1004.6800000000001,
"user_cash": 9110.24,
"user_total_worth": 10114.92,
"player_id": "92cb1815-bbc7-47aa-aba4-4788425b0524",
"competition_id": "7bc69deb-b1b4-4d45-aab1-43ce2d9caf8b",
"user_id": "bbf8e248-ca89-41c4-b55c-e4e20977a6e0",
"user_name": "Nelson the Tester",
"user_email": "wangnelson4@gmail.com"
- SO knowing this si how you add an image
image: AssetImage("assets/image/home/AXISBANK.png"),
Great this works:
Lets make it better to work:
Lets store the API key? or should that be provided together with the request itself?
You can see here that there is no strucutre for the stock, which means that the modification is harmless
List<Map<String, dynamic>> convertToListingFormat(
Map<dynamic, dynamic> inputMap) {
List<Map<String, dynamic>> outputList = [];
inputMap.forEach((key, value) {
double adjClose = value["Adj Close"] ?? 0.0;
String imageUrl = value['icon_url'] ?? "";
"title": key,
"imageUrl": imageUrl,
"totalRs": adjClose
.toStringAsFixed(2), // Format the double with 2 decimal places
thickness: 3,
color: grayF2F2F2,
future: db.getDetailsShare(widget.ticker, widget.price),
title: snapshot.data![index]["title"],
total: snapshot.data![index]["totalRs"],
imageUrl: snapshot.data![index]["imageUrl"],
This is the widget price:
const Text("Current Price"),
Text(widget.price, style: blackBoldStyle)
Where do I get to use add the price value on it? Can I embed the entire data into the screen?
final String ticker;
final String price;
const BuySellScreen({super.key, required this.ticker, required this.price});
- Is not being called on watchlist_screen, so it has to be on the Simple List Component
* Basic design with a random chart, and price.
String? title,
String? total,
BuildContext? context,
String? imageUrl,
colorName = "black",
}) {
return InkWell(
onTap: () {
Get.to(BuySellScreen(ticker: title, price: total));
buyMenuData({symbol, price, color1, quantityController, userCash = ""}) {
return Padding(
Lets check the user cash?
Building the History
Lets call the api that should be here. Lets see how the future builder works on this case:
future: db.getDetailsShare(widget.ticker, widget.price),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
userCash = snapshot.data!["user_cash"];
.... }})
Here the details share that is beign called on future. We can see that is async and returns a json once it finishes. However, we can set so that it calls EVERY time to reviw the transactions of this specific stock. Unless we believe that the user want sto check on and is something that we want to see every time we load the stock data. Considering that is actually not much data, perphaps is a good idea to get and append that from the stock perspective?.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getDetailsShare(
String symbol, String price) async {
print("getDetails store");
try {
final test_if_data_exists = getuserPortfolio(symbol);
if (!test_if_data_exists.containsKey("count")) {
await syncData();
final userPortfolioData = getuserPortfolio(symbol);
final double currentSymbolPrice = double.parse(price);
final int count = userPortfolioData["count"];
final double averagePrice = userPortfolioData["price_average"];
final double totalWorth = currentSymbolPrice * count;
final double profit = totalWorth - (averagePrice * count);
final double profitPercent = (profit / (averagePrice * count)) * 100;
final res = {
"shares_owned": count.toString(),
"shares_owned_worth": totalWorth.toStringAsFixed(2),
"shares_owned_profit": profit.toStringAsFixed(2),
"shares_owned_profit_percent": profitPercent.toStringAsFixed(2),
"shares_owned_average_price": averagePrice.toStringAsFixed(2),
"profit_color": profit > 0 ? green219653 : redEB5757,
"user_cash": userData["cash"].toStringAsFixed(2),
return res;
} catch (e) {
// print("error", e);
final res = {
"shares_owned": "0",
"shares_owned_worth": "-",
"shares_owned_profit": "-",
"shares_owned_profit_percent": "-",
"shares_owned_average_price": "-",
"profit_color": black,
"user_cash": userData["cash"].toStringAsFixed(2),
return res;
- Improve the general portfolio to get that sare and resume price.
- Detect which is the API to modify
- [ ]
We know that the data being searched is this one:
Map<dynamic, dynamic> getuserPortfolio(String userPortfolioSymbol) {
for (var asset in userPortfolio) {
if (asset["symbol"] == userPortfolioSymbol) {
return asset;
return {};
Found it
if (playerId != null) {
final assetsUrl =
"$backendAPI/api/assets/$playerId"; // Replace with actual API URL
// Make API call using your pr eferred HTTP client (e.g., http package)
// Example using http package:
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(assetsUrl));
// print("body from " + assetsUrl);
// print(response.body);
// Process the API response and print assets
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final assetsData = json.decode(response.body);
userPortfolio = []; //Empty the userData before
for (var asset in assetsData) {
if (asset is Map<String, dynamic>) {
The api to modify is api/assets
r Ideas of why after ===> connection state t prints null, even if on
Get TickerTransation I can see that is printing the body of: [{player_id: 92cb1815-bbc7-47aa-aba4-4788425b0524, symbol: EBAY, transaction_type: BUY, total_price: 81.28, updated_time: 2023-11-30T18:58:03.099814, count: 2, id: 88c442fb-9803-4c6f-bde9-40cfae575339, price: 40.64, created_time: 2023-11-30T18:58:03.099814}, {player_id: 92cb1815-bbc7-47aa-aba4-4788425b0524, symbol: EBAY, transaction_type: SELL, total_price: 43.91, updated_time: 2023-09-18T21:18:09.102293, count: 1, id: 00be748a-d8e6-4fec-a0eb-93e85d17d8d5, price: 43.91, created_time: 2023-09-18T21:18:09.102293}, {player_id: 92cb1815-bbc7-47aa-aba4-4788425b0524, symbol: EBAY, transaction_type: BUY, total_price: 43.91, updated_time: 2023-09-18T21:16:03.748705, count: 1, id: 4ab49911-45ce-4574-b372-3e62fd56213a, price: 43.91, created_time: 2023-09-18T21:16:03.748705}]
This is how to fetch the apis correctly
Future getStockNames() async {
const stockAPI = "$backendAPI/api/stickers"; // Replace with actual API URL
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(stockAPI));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final responseData = jsonDecode(response.body);
// print("tickets obtained");
// print(responseData);
final resticketNames = responseData["tickers"];
for (final ticket in resticketNames) {
if (ticket is String) {
_myBox.put("ticketNames", ticketNames);
} else {
print("Failed to fetch ticker names");
print("FAiled with status code ${response.statusCode}");
print("api: $stockAPI/api/stickers");
For example we can run this by: "7bc69deb-b1b4-4d45-aab1-43ce2d9caf8b"
Adding Readme
fvm flutter pub add charts_flutter_new
fvm flutter pub add charts_flutter
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/upload-keystore.jks -keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('key.properties')
if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))
android {
Adding buildTypes:
buildTypes {
release {
// TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
// Signing with the debug keys for now,
// so `flutter run --release` works.
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
signingConfigs {
release {
keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
applicationId "com..anvildev.papermerchant"
flutter build appbundle
- Fetch all the transactions given a user and a stock.
- Fetch all the transactions given a user