HBNB - The Console

This repository contains the initial stage of a student project to build a clone of the AirBnB website. This stage implements a backend interface, or console, to manage program data. Console commands allow the user to create, update, and destroy objects, as well as manage file storage. Using a system of JSON serialization/deserialization, storage is persistent between sessions.

Repository Contents by Project Task

Tasks Files Description
0: Authors/README File AUTHORS Project authors
1: Pep8 N/A All code is pep8 compliant
2: Unit Testing /tests All class-defining modules are unittested
3. Make BaseModel /models/base_model.py Defines a parent class to be inherited by all model classes
4. Update BaseModel w/ kwargs /models/base_model.py Add functionality to recreate an instance of a class from a dictionary representation
5. Create FileStorage class /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/_ init _.py /models/base_model.py Defines a class to manage persistent file storage system
6. Console 0.0.1 console.py Add basic functionality to console program, allowing it to quit, handle empty lines and ^D
7. Console 0.1 console.py Update the console with methods allowing the user to create, destroy, show, and update stored data
8. Create User class console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/user.py Dynamically implements a user class
9. More Classes /models/user.py /models/place.py /models/city.py /models/amenity.py /models/state.py /models/review.py Dynamically implements more classes
10. Console 1.0 console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py Update the console and file storage system to work dynamically with all classes update file storage

General Use

  1. First clone this repository.

  2. Once the repository is cloned locate the "console.py" file and run it as follows:

/AirBnB_clone$ ./console.py

  1. When this command is run the following prompt should appear:

  1. This prompt designates you are in the "HBnB" console. There are a variety of commands available within the console program.
* create - Creates an instance based on given class

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

* quit - Exits the program (EOF will as well)

Alternative Syntax

Users are able to issue a number of console command using an alternative syntax:

Usage: <class_name>.<command>([<id>[name_arg value_arg]|[kwargs]])

Advanced syntax is implemented for the following commands:

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* count - Return number of object instances by class

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID


Primary Command Syntax

Example 0: Create an object

Usage: create <class_name>

(hbnb) create BaseModel

(hbnb) create BaseModel

Example 1: Show an object

Usage: show <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
[BaseModel] (3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8) {'id': '3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96959),
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96971)}

Example 2: Destroy an object

Usage: destroy <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
** no instance found **

Example 3: Update an object

Usage: update <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) update BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f first_name "person"
(hbnb) show BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f
[BaseModel] (b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f) {'id': 'b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729889),
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729907), 'first_name': 'person'}

Alternative Syntax

Example 0: Show all User objects

Usage: <class_name>.all()

(hbnb) User.all()
["[User] (99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92071), 'id': '99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92056)}", "[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

Example 1: Destroy a User

Usage: <class_name>.destroy(<_id>)

(hbnb) User.destroy("99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b")
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

Example 2: Update User (by attribute)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <attribute_name>, <attribute_value>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", name "Todd the Toad")
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'name': 'Todd the Toad', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

Example 3: Update User (by dictionary)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, )

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", {'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9})
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9, 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

0x04. AirBnB clone - Web framework

  • By Guillaume, CTO at Holberton School


For this project, we expect you to look at this concept:


Read or watch:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • What is a Web Framework
  • How to build a web framework with Flask
  • How to define routes in Flask
  • What is a route
  • How to handle variables in a route
  • What is a template
  • How to create a HTML response in Flask by using a template
  • How to create a dynamic template (loops, conditions...)
  • How to display in HTML data from a MySQL database

Copyright - Plagiarism

  • You are tasked to come up with solutions for the tasks below yourself to meet with the above learning objectives.
  • You will not be able to meet the objectives of this or any following project by copying and pasting someone else's work.
  • You are not allowed to publish any content of this project.
  • Any form of plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will result in removal from the program.


Python Scripts

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.4.3)
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/python3
  • A README.md file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory
  • Your code should use the PEP 8 style (version 1.7)
  • All your files must be executable
  • The length of your files will be tested using wc
  • All your modules should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
  • All your classes should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
  • All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)' and python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
  • A documentation is not a simple word, it's a real sentence explaining what's the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified)


  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • A README.md file at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory
  • Your code should be W3C compliant and validate with W3C-Validator (except for jinja template)
  • All your CSS files should be in the styles folder
  • All your images should be in the images folder
  • You are not allowed to use !important or id (#... in the CSS file)
  • All tags must be in uppercase
  • Current screenshots have been done on Chrome 56.0.2924.87.
  • No cross browsers

More Info

Install Flask

$ pip3 install Flask

Manual QA Review

It is your responsibility to request a review for this project from a peer before the project's deadline. If no peers have been reviewed, you should request a review from a TA or staff member.


0. Hello Flask!


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.0-hello_route
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo "" | cat -e
Hello HBNB!$


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 0-hello_route.py, __init__.py



Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.1-hbnb_route
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo "" | cat -e


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 1-hbnb_route.py

2. C is fun!


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
    • /c/<text>: display "C " followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.2-c_route
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo "" | cat -e
C is fun$
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo "" | cat -e
C cool$
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 2-c_route.py

3. Python is cool!


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
    • /c/<text>: display "C ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display "Python ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is "is cool"
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.3-python_route
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl -Ls ; echo "" | cat -e
Python is magic$
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl -Ls ; echo "" | cat -e
Python is cool$
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl -Ls ; echo "" | cat -e
Python is cool$


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 3-python_route.py

4. Is it a number?


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
    • /c/<text>: display "C ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display "Python ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is "is cool"
    • /number/<n>: display "n is a number" only if n is an integer
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.4-number_route
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo "" | cat -e
89 is a number$
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 4-number_route.py

5. Number template


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
    • /c/<text>: display "C ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display "Python ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is "is cool"
    • /number/<n>: display "n is a number" only if n is an integer
    • /number_template/<n>: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: "Number: n" inside the tag BODY
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.5-number_template
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">
        <H1>Number: 89</H1>
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 5-number_template.py, templates/5-number.html

6. Odd or even?


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display "Hello HBNB!"
    • /hbnb: display "HBNB"
    • /c/<text>: display "C ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display "Python ", followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is "is cool"
    • /number/<n>: display "n is a number" only if n is an integer
    • /number_template/<n>: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: "Number: n" inside the tag BODY
    • /number_odd_or_even/<n>: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: "Number: n is even|odd" inside the tag BODY
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ python3 -m web_flask.6-number_odd_or_even
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">
        <H1>Number: 89 is odd</H1>
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">
        <H1>Number: 32 is even</H1>
guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • Directory: web_flask
  • File: 6-number_odd_or_even.py, templates/6-number_odd_or_even.html

7. Improve engines


Before using Flask to display our HBNB data, you will need to update some part of our engine:

Update FileStorage: (models/engine/file_storage.py)

  • Add a public method def close(self):: call reload() method for deserializing the JSON file to objects

Update DBStorage: (models/engine/db_storage.py)

  • Add a public method def close(self):: call remove() method on the private session attribute (self.__session) tips or close() on the class Session tips

Update State: (models/state.py) - If it's not already present

  • If your storage engine is not DBStorage, add a public getter method cities to return the list of City objects from storage linked to the current State
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3
>>> from models import storage
>>> from models.state import State
>>> len(storage.all(State))
>>> len(storage.all(State))
>>> # Time to insert new data!

At this moment, in another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ echo 'INSERT INTO `states` VALUES ("421a55f1-7d82-45d9-b54c-a76916479545","2017-03-25 19:42:40","2017-03-25 19:42:40","Alabama");' | mysql -uroot -p hbnb_dev_db
Enter password:

And let's go back the Python console:

>>> # Time to insert new data!
>>> len(storage.all(State))
>>> # normal: the SQLAlchemy didn't reload his `Session`
>>> # to force it, you must remove the current session to create a new one:
>>> storage.close()
>>> len(storage.all(State))
>>> # perfect!

And for the getter cities in the State model:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat main.py
 Test cities access from a state
from models import storage
from models.state import State
from models.city import City

 Objects creations
state_1 = State(name="California")
print("New state: {}".format(state_1))
state_2 = State(name="Arizona")
print("New state: {}".format(state_2))

city_1_1 = City(state_id=state_1.id, name="Napa")
print("New city: {} in the state: {}".format(city_1_1, state_1))
city_1_2 = City(state_id=state_1.id, name="Sonoma")
print("New city: {} in the state: {}".format(city_1_2, state_1))
city_2_1 = City(state_id=state_2.id, name="Page")
print("New city: {} in the state: {}".format(city_2_1, state_2))

all_states = storage.all(State)
for state_id, state in all_states.items():
    for city in state.cities:
        print("Find the city {} in the state {}".format(city, state))

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ rm file.json ; HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=fs ./main.py
New state: [State] (5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45) {'name': 'California', 'id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509954), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509950)}
New state: [State] (a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416) {'name': 'Arizona', 'id': 'a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510256), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510252)}
New city: [City] (e3e36ded-fe56-44f5-bf08-8a27e2b30672) {'name': 'Napa', 'id': 'e3e36ded-fe56-44f5-bf08-8a27e2b30672', 'state_id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510797), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510791)} in the state: [State] (5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45) {'name': 'California', 'id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510038), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509950)}
New city: [City] (12a58d70-e255-4c1e-8a68-7d5fb924d2d2) {'name': 'Sonoma', 'id': '12a58d70-e255-4c1e-8a68-7d5fb924d2d2', 'state_id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511437), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511432)} in the state: [State] (5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45) {'name': 'California', 'id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510038), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509950)}
New city: [City] (a693bdb9-e0ca-4521-adfd-e1a93c093b4b) {'name': 'Page', 'id': 'a693bdb9-e0ca-4521-adfd-e1a93c093b4b', 'state_id': 'a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511873), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511869)} in the state: [State] (a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416) {'name': 'Arizona', 'id': 'a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510373), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510252)}

Find the city [City] (e3e36ded-fe56-44f5-bf08-8a27e2b30672) {'name': 'Napa', 'id': 'e3e36ded-fe56-44f5-bf08-8a27e2b30672', 'state_id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510953), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510791)} in the state [State] (5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45) {'name': 'California', 'id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510038), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509950)}
Find the city [City] (12a58d70-e255-4c1e-8a68-7d5fb924d2d2) {'name': 'Sonoma', 'id': '12a58d70-e255-4c1e-8a68-7d5fb924d2d2', 'state_id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511513), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511432)} in the state [State] (5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45) {'name': 'California', 'id': '5b8f1d55-e49c-44dd-ba6f-a3cf8489ae45', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510038), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 509950)}
Find the city [City] (a693bdb9-e0ca-4521-adfd-e1a93c093b4b) {'name': 'Page', 'id': 'a693bdb9-e0ca-4521-adfd-e1a93c093b4b', 'state_id': 'a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 512073), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 511869)} in the state [State] (a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416) {'name': 'Arizona', 'id': 'a5e5311a-3c19-4995-9485-32c74411b416', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510373), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 11, 19, 27, 52, 510252)}


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: models/engine/file_storage.py, models/engine/db_storage.py, models/state.py

8. List of states


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /states_list: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: "States"
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z) tip
        • LI tag: description of one State: <state.id>: <B><state.name></B>
  • Import this 7-dump to have some data
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (Task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 7-dump.sql "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-higher-level_programming+/290/7-states_list.sql"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 7-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.7-states_list
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Alabama</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Arizona</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>California</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479548: <B>Colorado</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479549: <B>Florida</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479550: <B>Georgia</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Hawaii</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Illinois</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479553: <B>Indiana</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>Louisiana</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479555: <B>Minnesota</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Mississippi</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479557: <B>Oregon</B></LI>



  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: web_flask/7-states_list.py, web_flask/templates/7-states_list.html

9. Cities by states


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /cities_by_states: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: "States"
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z) tip
        • LI tag: description of one State: <state.id>: <B><state.name></B> + UL tag: with the list of City objects linked to the State sorted by name (A->Z)
          • LI tag: description of one City: <city.id>: <B><city.name></B>
  • Import this 7-dump to have some data
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (Task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 7-dump.sql "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-higher-level_programming+/290/7-states_list.sql"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 7-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.8-cities_by_states
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Alabama</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Akron</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Babbie</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Calera</B></LI>

                        <LI>551a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Fairfield</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Arizona</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Douglas</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Kearny</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Tempe</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>California</B>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>Fremont</B></LI>

                        <LI>551a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>Napa</B></LI>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>San Francisco</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>San Jose</B></LI>

                        <LI>561a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>Sonoma</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479548: <B>Colorado</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479548: <B>Denver</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479549: <B>Florida</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479549: <B>Miami</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479549: <B>Orlando</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479550: <B>Georgia</B>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Hawaii</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Honolulu</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Kailua</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Pearl city</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Illinois</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Chicago</B></LI>

                        <LI>561a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Joliet</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Naperville</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Peoria</B></LI>

                        <LI>551a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Urbana</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479553: <B>Indiana</B>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>Louisiana</B>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>Baton rouge</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>Lafayette</B></LI>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>New Orleans</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479555: <B>Minnesota</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479555: <B>Saint Paul</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Mississippi</B>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Jackson</B></LI>

                        <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Meridian</B></LI>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Tupelo</B></LI>


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479557: <B>Oregon</B>

                        <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479557: <B>Eugene</B></LI>

                        <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479557: <B>Portland</B></LI>




  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: web_flask/8-cities_by_states.py, web_flask/templates/8-cities_by_states.html

10. States and State


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /states: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: "States"
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z) tip
        • LI tag: description of one State: <state.id>: <B><state.name></B>
    • /states/<id>: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • If a State object is found with this id:
        • H1 tag: "State: "
        • H3 tag: "Cities:"
        • UL tag: with the list of City objects linked to the State sorted by name (A->Z)
          • LI tag: description of one City: <city.id>: <B><city.name></B>
      • Otherwise:
        • H1 tag: "Not found!"
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 7-dump to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (Task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 7-dump.sql "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-higher-level_programming+/290/7-states_list.sql"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 7-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.9-states
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In another tab:

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">


            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479545: <B>Alabama</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479546: <B>Arizona</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479547: <B>California</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479548: <B>Colorado</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479549: <B>Florida</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479550: <B>Georgia</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479551: <B>Hawaii</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Illinois</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479553: <B>Indiana</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479554: <B>Louisiana</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479555: <B>Minnesota</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479556: <B>Mississippi</B></LI>

            <LI>421a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479557: <B>Oregon</B></LI>


guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">

        <H1>State: Illinois</H1>
                <LI>521a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Chicago</B></LI>

                <LI>561a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Joliet</B></LI>

                <LI>541a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Naperville</B></LI>

                <LI>531a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Peoria</B></LI>

                <LI>551a55f4-7d82-47d9-b54c-a76916479552: <B>Urbana</B></LI>

guillaume@ubuntu:~$ curl ; echo ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML lang="en">

        <H1>Not found!</H1>



  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: web_flask/9-states.py, web_flask/templates/9-states.html

11. HBNB filters


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /hbnb_filters: display a HTML page like 6-index.html, which was done during the project 0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static
      • Copy files 3-footer.css, 3-header.css, 4-common.css and 6-filters.css from web_static/styles/ to the folder web_flask/static/styles
      • Copy files icon.png and logo.png from web_static/images/ to the folder web_flask/static/images
      • Update .popover class in 6-filters.css to allow scrolling in the popover and a max height of 300 pixels.
      • Use 6-index.html content as source code for the template 10-hbnb_filters.html:
        • Replace the content of the H4 tag under each filter title (H3 States and H3 Amenities) by &nbsp;
      • State, City and Amenity objects must be loaded from DBStorage and sorted by name (A->Z)
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 10-dump to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (Task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 10-dump.sql "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-higher-level_programming+/290/10-hbnb_filters.sql"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 10-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.10-hbnb_filters
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In the browser:


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: web_flask/10-hbnb_filters.py, web_flask/templates/10-hbnb_filters.html, web_flask/static/

12. HBNB is alive!


Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /hbnb: display a HTML page like 8-index.html, done during the 0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static project
      • Copy files 3-footer.css, 3-header.css, 4-common.css, 6-filters.css and 8-places.css from web_static/styles/ to the folder web_flask/static/styles
      • Copy all files from web_static/images/ to the folder web_flask/static/images
      • Update .popover class in 6-filters.css to enable scrolling in the popover and set max height to 300 pixels.
      • Update 8-places.css to always have the price by night on the top right of each place element, and the name correctly aligned and visible (i.e. screenshots below)
      • Use 8-index.html content as source code for the template 100-hbnb.html:
        • Replace the content of the H4 tag under each filter title (H3 States and H3 Amenities) by &nbsp;
        • Make sure all HTML tags from objects are correctly used (example: <BR /> must generate a new line)
      • State, City, Amenity and Place objects must be loaded from DBStorage and sorted by name (A->Z)
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 100-dump to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (Task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ curl -o 100-dump.sql "https://s3.amazonaws.com/intranet-projects-files/holbertonschool-higher-level_programming+/290/100-hbnb.sql"
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ cat 100-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v2$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_flask.100-hbnb
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

In the browser:


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v2
  • File: web_flask/100-hbnb.py, web_flask/templates/100-hbnb.html, web_flask/static/